We go to Lakeview middle.I don't think I introduced myself and everyone else.so my name is Gabe and my friends names are jamere,Viktor and Gabe and no it's not myself I have a friend names gabe. Now my girl friend's name is Kaitlyn.oh and my friend Blake we all have fun together.
We hide and try to escape school.We also watch stranger things.we also play basketball.but I quit soccer and now I am going to play hockey.We also write books.
We all look good together and I don't want that to change.but for now all we can do is have a fun time together.We all draw in class.but I don't think we are aloud to.We all watch star wars and anime.
We all stay up all night watching Netflix.We all are going into band me and jamere are doing the trombone.I'm from South Carolina so I like sweet tea.We all like iron man and spider man.We play video games and stuff like that.
We all like Rocky and waluigi.We also like smash bros.We all like harrypotter.We also like Disney movies and tik tok.We all have guns nerf guns.