chapter two

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Airi pov:

"Hello!!" I yelled back to the young voice near the entrance. I heard hisoka laugh from behind me. I pouted.


"Yes child~" he grinned mischievously.

I looked at him with big eyes, "did you scare tonpa away?"

Hisoka replied innocently, "maybe~"

"Hmm... was he bad?"

The jester thought for a moment with a straight face, "you could say that, last year i  tried to deal with him, i almost finished the job, but he wasnt worth kill-"

"You were going to kill him?" Airi asked confused.

Hisoka stayed silent awhile longer but then smiled, "that isnt important.. how about you go try and meet more friends hm?~" airi was trying to protest agsinst hisokas request but hisoka shushed him away.

I guess i should look for some friends around my age.. oh yeah the person who said hello! I started in the direction twords where i first heard it. Tonpa was there with a formol blonde, an older male, and a spikey haired kid. Hey he looks my age! I started walking twords them. And when tonpa noticed me he flinched away causing the others to look at me. I nervously waved with a smile.


"Hi, im gon! Whats your name?" The spikey haired kid smiled bright.

I smiled at his enthusiasm, i didnt have to be nervous.

"Airi." I answered.

"Nice name, these are my friends kuripika and leorio!" Gon inroduced the others.

I waved to them and they waved back.

"Would you like to be friends?" Gon asked me.

I nodded eagerly, "yeah!" They smiled at me, but tonpa looked at me with fear.

"Are you ok tonpa?" Just then we heard a heartwrenching scream. Hisoka.. when i looked back this guys arms were turning into flower petals infront of hisoka. He was smirking mercifully. Before he spoke i swear i heard guitar start playing.

"How peculiar~, it seems this poor mans arms hsve turned to flower petals.. no smoke and mirrors here.. take care~ and do apologize when you bump into someone~" hisoka grinned mercifully at the crowd lf examinees. A felt pity for that man with no arms.

"The psychopath is back." Tonpa said.

"Hey!" I spoke, "dont call him that!"

"Huh?!" Leorio yelled, "he just made someones arms into fricken flower petals!"

"Doesnt mean you should stoop down to his level! And plus hisoka is just trying to intimidate his opponents! Im positive he will give hik his arms back..l" I answered.

"Airi." Kuripika started, "how do you know that?"

"Because he told me!" I smiled bright.

"You've speaken to him?" Gon asked.

I gave a confused expression. "Why wouldnt i? Me and hisoka are friends."
To say the others were shocked was an understatement.

"F-friends??" leorios eyes bulged.

"Yeah! He said i could come with him to this hunters exam."

"Ohh." Gon expressed.

When i looked back to where hisoka was i waved. And as expected he waved back with his usual smile.

"See?" I grinned. They nodded nervously. Suddenly a loud ringing sound echoed through the tunnel gaining every applicants attention. A wallmstarted to rise showing a man wearing purple infront of a long looking path.

"I apologize for the delay." He said shutting off the wierd alarm thing, "thank you all for waiting. the entry period for hunter spplicants is officially over. So with no further adue the hunter exam will now begin. One final word of caution, if your short on luck or ability just know their is a large chance you end up injured or could die. If your willing to follow with the risks involved ill ask you to follow me now. But for the rest of you. Exit through the elevator."

No one looked back twords the exit.

"Damn, why not atleast one?" Leorio asked quietly.

"Would you?" I asked.

"Alright now all 404 applicants will participate in phase one." He turned around and started to walk in an odd way." We all started to follow him. I looked back at hisoka snd he wanted me to come to him.

"Hisoka is calling for me. Goodbye friends." I smiled wide waving to them as i left to hisoka.

"Child Have you met a new friend?~" hisokaa asked.

I nodded smiling, "do you want to meet them?"

"No, i wont spoil your moment~" he grinned. I smiled back.

"I dont mind if you would like to meet them hisokaa." I spoke.

"Im positive ill meet them soon ghost..~"

I nodded slowly.

I then felt something off like someone was staring at us. He had pins in his face. We stared at eachother for a moment. I smiled at him and waved before turning back to hisoka. We were now all jogging. Wait is this the first phase?

"I will lead you to the second phase." The purple wearing guy said, "my name is staoz, and for the first phase you must follow me." He started to run as well as us.

We were running for awhile and people were dropping like flys.

"Hisokaa can i just you know...? This is boring.."

"Now come now my sweet fruit you have to follow him. That would be cheating~."

I groaned quietly, "ok.."

Sorry this is short..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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