Chapter Five

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Third Person POV:

Izzy an Daren sat down across from Liz an Amanda as the waiter brought two shot glasses and a bottle of Vodka. "oh actually, can we have two more glasses?" The waiter looked at Amanda frustrated at her constantly upping her order. She just smiled an said "Sure thing." She walked away as Amanda turned to Liz only to see her putting her hand on her head in disappointment. Liz looked up to Amanda. "So were getting are friends drunk as well?" Everyone at the table laughed. "That is what were here for is it not?" Daren added. Soon the waiter came and dropped off two more glasses. Izzy an Daren had ordered there own drinks while Liz an Amanda had finished there own from before.

"Ok, lets play a drinking game." Amanda put her hands on the table as she suggested that. More like demanded it. She handed all the glasses out and filled up each with a full shot of Vodka. "Ok, never have I ever." She looked at everyone as they smiled and agreed. "You go first Daren." Daren leaned back in his chair as he thought of something he has never done. He leaned forward again to respond and looked at everyone at the table. "Ok, never have I ever fucked a dude. Izzy turned with a sharp surprised yet dreadful look. "That's not fair! We all girls." Izzy playfully slapped his arm. "Hey it's not my fault. I'm just trying to win. If anything I'll be the one driving your drunk ass's home." He laughed as every all the girls, Izzy, Liz and Amanda all took a shot. "God that's strong." Liz said as she finished her little cough attack. "Ok Izzy go." Daren turned to Izzy ready to hear what she has never done, of course as well as Liz and Amanda.

"Hmm, never have I ever, been 5'5 or taller." Izzy smiled as she looked at everyone at the table knowing their heights. Liz has one of those 'why me' expressions on her face. "Hey why am I the minimum?" Izzy laughed and Amanda turned towards Liz. "Just shut up and drink." Amanda laughed as she kept her eyes glued in Liz, making sure she took the shot. Everyone else took their shot as well.

Now it was Liz's turn. "Uhm," she looked up at the ceiling in search of a 'never have I ever'. "Ok. Never have I ever owned a weapon." Liz looked around as Izzy nodded her head with a no and John did the same. When she got around to looking at Amanda, her eyes were wide and a grin was spread across her face. Amanda quickly took the shot then met eyes with Liz. Liz had a dumbfounded look on her face. "You have a weapon!?" Amanda laughed as she's kept her stare at Liz. "She actually has four." Daren added. Liz turned her look to Daren and then back at Amanda who was still in the heat of laughing. "FOUR!?" Amanda caught her breath before responding. "Yea what's wrong with it?." Liz's eyes widened. "What kind of weapons!!?" Amanda moves her eyes upwards as she said allowed all of them. " one grey hand gun, two black hand guns, and one pellet rifle." Liz sat there with her mouth open. "Why do you own four guns." Amanda chuckled. "I don't know I just wanted them." Daren and Izzy the entire time were staring at the looks Amanda kept giving Liz. Not just any good ol' friendly looks. There was something more going on and they thought they had an idea.

As Amanda and Liz were talking about the guns Amanda had, John and Izzy had stared talking about what was off. "Do you think something's going on between them." Izzy have a unimpressed look towards Daren. "There's always something going in between them." Izzy took another drink. " I mean like, how they feel about each other." Izzy stared at Amanda and Liz as they continued having their conversation of weapons. "Oh ya of course." Daren looked at Izzy with an questionable face. "How do you know?" Izzy leaned close to Daren as she whispered in his ear "because both of them have told me that they like each other." Daren's eyes widened bigger than the moon. "What! Aww man. How come girls only trust girls. Hey, do you think there dating." Izzy have Daren the side eye. "Go ahead. Ask them that to their face." Daren turned his look back down to his drink as he laughed. "Nah I'm good. I don't need them hating me right now haha." Izzy took a sip of her drink as a idea came in mind, "hey Daren. What if we make them tell us." Daren had a evil expression painted on his face. "You mean use this game against them?" Izzy nodded. "Exactly"

Daren broke the evil gaze with Izzy and turned to face Amanda. "Amanda your turn." Amanda stopped the weapons conversation with Liz and though for a moment before quickly coming up with one. "Ok. Never have I ever been to jail." No one drank. Guess no one defies the law. "Ok my turn." Daren said aloud. He stared right at Liz and Amanda. "Never have I ever, had a crush , in a romantic, sexual way, in my best friend." Amanda immediately jolted her head back at the state of how specific that question was. "Uh, well that was a bit specific." Amanda laughed as Liz took a shot. Amanda turned towards Liz. "O.. ok whatever." Amanda giggles as she took another shot and squinted he eyes at the strong taste. Izzy smiled evilly.

"Never have I ever had sex with my best friend whom was female, and I'm with all the time." Daren turned towards Izzy surprised she had gotten that inappropriate with her never have I ever. Liz froze in the moment knowing that Izzy and Daren we're doing. "Ok that was a little out of line Izzy." Amanda said noticing that Liz was uncomfortable. "Hey. I play dirty. Now are you gonna drink or perhaps have I targeted wrong." Amanda stared at Izzy in the realization of what they were plotting. "You know what, I think we have played this game long enough. Let's do something else." Amanda smiled trying to fix or rather stop their mischievous plan. She stood up and took a quick two more shots. "Okay.! Why don't we... go dance." Izzy smiled and stood up. "Sure I'll dance. Cmon Amanda." Amanda looked at Liz. "You coming?" Liz sweetly let out a gentle smile along with a soft voice. "No I think I'm gonna stay here." Amanda slightly frowned before being pulled away by Izzy to the dance floor.

"Izzy!" Amanda yelled over the loud music." Izzy turned to her looking confused. "What?." Amanda looked shocked that she didn't know what she was about to say. "What the hell was that back there!?" "Oh the sex thing?" Amanda froze astonished that she was so calm about it. "Uh. Ya!? What the hell!?" Izzy let go of Amanda's wrist. "I just wanted to see how far you guys have gone. You don't tend to hide liking when you guys have to make out for cmv's. Surely during that your craaaving Liz." Izzy smiled as Amanda just glared at her. "So what. Did you guys do it?." Izzy got closer to Amanda as she was curious to there sex life. "I'm not telling you." Izzy glared back. "You know saying that just means that you don't want to tell me because you have." Amanda gave a quick dirty look. "Whatever." Izzy wanted more information. After all, she did have a slight crush on Amanda. She looked to the ground. "Are you guys dating yet.?" Amanda smiled and shook around a little. "Yes.. ugh." Izzy's eyes opened wider. "You are oh my god!!!" Izzy took Amanda's hands as she jumped up and down showing her excitement for the couple. "God it feels so good to tell someone that... you can't tel Liz you know! Get her to tell you herself." "Fine I will. I mean I got you to spill pretty easy so she should be a piece of cake." "If you say so. I'm gonna go back to Liz. She's probably even more drunk since we left her with the entire half of bottle of vodka with Daren. I should take her home haha" "oh ya. She's not easy to handle when she's blackout drunk."

Izzy and Amanda Walked back to the table where they found Liz laughing and talking with Daren. "Liz ready to go?" Amanda asked as she put her phone into her back pocket and keys on her ring finger. "Now? Ok fiiine. Bye guys." Liz waved as she got out of the booth and walked away with Amanda. "I wanna drive!" Liz laughed as she tried to take the keys from Amanda's hand. Amanda pulled away refusing to let her have the keys and joined her in laughing. "HELL NO." "Why noooot?" Amanda looked at Liz as she took her hand and brought her to the passengers side door. "You way more drunk than me and your gonna get us killed lady!" Liz gave a disappointed look and opened the door. Amanda stood there waiting for her to get in but instead she had other plans.

Liz quickly turned around and ran to the drivers side door. For some reason Amanda saw this coming and quickly locked the car doors before Liz could open it, still she chased after Liz in attempt stop her from getting to the door. She grabbed Liz's hand and turned her towards herself. "Hey that's rude" Liz said as she let herself be pulled close to Amanda. Amanda let go of her wrist and put her hand instead on her waist and pulled her in even closer. Amanda leaned in close to Liz's face to the point where the could feel each others breath on there cheeks. Amanda quietly whispered in her ear "your not driving." Amanda slid her hands down to Liz's thighs before picking her up and bringing her to the passengers seat. She put Liz inside and locked the door. At this point Liz had decided to listen and buckled herself in and not soon after Amanda did the same.

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