[13] Detention

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Kelsey's POV

How in the world has this day gone from being the best day of my life, to being the worst day ever? Oh, I know, maybe it's because I got a fricking detention for no reason! I was just simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.

All 7 of us are sat in the library with Mr. Harris watching us. Myself, Erica, Stiles and Scott are sat at one table. Then on the table behind us, sat Jackson, Allison and Matt. "Uh, we can't be in detention together, I have a restraining order against them." Jackson moans.

"All of them?" Mr. Harris asked Jackson.

"Just them two." I say pointing at Stiles and my brother opposite me. "Fine, you two over at that table...and you too." Harris says, before looking at me. "But sir, can't I stay here with Erica, she might get lonely."

Mr. Harris looks at me with wide eyes before raising his voice a little, sounding annoyed. "Move, now."

"Dick." I mumble as I tuck my chair in to move to the table just across from the one I was just sitting at. Was there really any point to moving tables? Jackson is still in the same room as Scott and Stiles. "I'm gonna kill him." My brother said annoyed as he sat down.

"No, you're not. You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're going to help save him." Stiles spoke.

"No, you were right, let's kill him." Scott hissed. "Well as much as I think about killing Jackson, I'm not going to do it, and neither are you. Look, we just need it figure out who's controlling him." I tell him.

Who could be controlling Jackson? It has to be someone who has no remorse, no emotion or feeling, no care for anything or anyone. Someone who has no respect. But who? I don't know anyone evil.

Maybe my old maths teacher, Mrs. Rachenho. She was the worst and probably the most evil and ugliest teacher in the world. Her nickname was even Ratchet hoe...which sounds like her surname, making it sound even funnier.

Anyway, her face had like zillion of wrinkles and warts, kinda like a witch. Her teeth were yellow and crooked. She was really scrawny and tall, her legs literally looked like sticks! She looked about 70, but she was actually 57.

Oh, and don't get me started on her style of clothing. She looked like she was hit by an ugly stick. Actually, scratch that, an ugly ass log! Once she wore this dress that looked like a trash bag crossed between a dirty rag. I mean what the hell was she thinking?

She is in serious need of a make-over, like the whole lot, plastic surgery included. I can't believe she was even married, the guy must've been blind!

"What if it's Matt? This whole thing comes back to the video right?" Matt? What is Stiles on about? "Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing." Scott told Stiles.

"Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion off himself." Really, Stiles?

"So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of the Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on the jeep?"

"Yes!" Stiles cried.

"Why?" I asked. I don't understand what Stiles has against Matt, he's a pretty nice guy. I think they'd make great friends if they just starting talking, maybe they should hang out sometime. They probably have lots in common, since they're both sort of nerdy. "Because...he's evil." Ha, evil. That's funny.

Scott raises his eyebrow. "You just don't like him."

"The guy bugs me, I don't know what it is. Just look at his face." We all turned to look at Matt, who was currently eating chips and offering Jackson some. "What's wrong with his face?" I ask. I see nothing wrong with Matt's face.

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