Chapter 4

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"Oh my god Luke?" I seethed.
"What?" He asked completely oblivious to my rage.
"How could you do that to me?"
"Oh calm down Lizzy."
"I will not calm down." I said while crossing my arms. "I'm mad at you now." Looking over I see Luke roll his eyes before rolling towards me on the bed. He ends up on his back beside me holding his arms out for a hug.
"Awe Lizzy don't be mad!" He said when I hit his arms down rejecting his hug.
"Nope I'm mad. That was really rude what you just did." I stood up and walked across the room glaring at him.
"Ugh Liz." He says in an exasperated tone. "All I did was-"
"No," I cut him off in the middle of his sentence. " I know exactly what you did! And it's disgusting." Luke just rolled his eyes before continuing,
"All I did was open the bag of skittles before the sour patch kids. You need to relax." He laughed rolling towards his side of the bed.
"Yeah bu-"
"Stop!" He yelled. I glared at him before starting again.
"Yeah but-" I said sitting on my side of the bed before he interrupted me again.
"Yeah but nothing. Your leaving me soon and maybe I wanted the skittles first instead of sour patch kids this time!" He said mocking my glare before pulling me down into a hug. "I'm sorry okay!" He continued while holding me hostage in his arms.
"Okay! Okay!" I laughed pulling free. "I forgive you! But only this once!" He nodded smiling and shouted,
"Now who's ready for a movie night?!"
"What Luke?" I asked turning around in the bed to face him.
"I'm going to miss you." He said and even in the dim light filtering through the curtain I could see the tears welling up in his eyes. I felt my eyes begin to tear up so I ducked down burying my head into his chest and hugging myself close to him. Without saying a word he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.
"I'm going to miss you too." I whispered into his shirt. Tears spilling over my eyelids and down my cheeks. I could feel Luke crying too. We stayed like this, in this position, for a while. This little bundle of sadness. Until we both calmed down and Luke whispered in my ear,
"Liz you should sleep it's 3 three in the morning." So I did. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms.
I woke up to light hitting my face through the window. And looked to see myself facing away from the sleeping mass which was Luke. I must've rolled away from him in my sleep. Looking over at the clock it was 11:30 and man was I hungry. I climbed onto Luke sitting on his tummy and put my hands on his face saying, "Good mornin' ! Wake up sweetheart!" In my happiest voice ever. With only resulted in him pushing me off and rolling over grumbling to himself. Huffing I climbed back onto him, if he wanted to do things the hard way, so be it. I positioned both my hands on his sides and began to move my fingers, tickling him. He started squirming beneath me, before rolling over and shouting,
"I'm up! I'm up! Gosh you monster."
"Yay!" I shouted back. "Now make me food!!" I continued to shout happily. Jumping out of bed and running down the stairs. I heard Luke grumble and make his way out of bed and down the stairs after me.

I grab the pony tail off my wrist as I prance around Luke's kitchen making pancakes while Luke and his little brother Seth sit at the table watching me with sleepy eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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