Chapter 3

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Even with Luke driving as slow as my grandma we made it to the mall, he did almost run over a squirrel and I was pretty shaken up about it. Anyways so at the mall we strolled around the store for a bit until we finally got to the shoe store.

A pretty little blonde walked up to us and looked right at Luke before asking,

"Need help with anything?" Batting her long eye lashes at him.

"Uh no I think were okay thanks anyways." He brushed her off before looking over her head and seeing a bright pair of running shoes that he wanted to go look at. Grinning excitedly he grabbed my hand saying, "Lizzy look at these ones!" And dragging me over.

The blonde girl looking a little miffed called after us, "If you need help with anything you can ask me. I mean anything!" Sounding a little desperate. I chuckled once at her expense. Poor girl, Luke didn't even look at her twice. Hearing me laugh Luke looked at me funnily,

"What's so funny?"

"That girl was." I laugh again.

"Why?" He scrunched his eyebrows up looking confused.

"Oh Lukey," I sighed patting his head. "Your like a little naive boy sometimes you know that?"

"Huh why?" He asked again still looking confused.

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Are you honestly telling me that you didn't notice the blonde totally checking you out and trying to flirt with you?" Realization dawned his face and he shook his head. "Poor girl." I commented. Luke just shook his head and mumbled something under his breath that sounded a lot like,

"I only like brunettes.." Before glancing at me and then looking back at the shoes. Choosing not to ask for him to repeat himself asked,

"So which shoes do you like?" His face instantly lit up and he started pointing out shoes that he liked and he told me what size he was and so we spent the next hour and a half with him trying shoes on then trying other ones on and me running around getting him different shoes and giving him constructive criticism.

In the end it came down to two different pairs, a light blue pair with purple detail and an orange pair with yellow pairing. I personally liked the blue pair better but Luke was completely torn.

"Luke I'm hungry." I wined. "Just pick already."

"I know, I know. This is a very important decision." Luke shot back looking at the shoes.

"Just pick the blue ones! Come on."

"I don't know Lizzy.."

Groaning I picked up the two shoes he didn't have on his feet, one of each kind and began to walk away.

"Hey where are you going?" Luke shouted getting up and following me.

"Imma ask five different people what shoe they like better all around the store and you will follow me testing your shoes at the same time." I explained to him.

Walking up to a guy who looked to be about our age I tapped him on the shoulder. Once he turned around I got a good look at him, I would guesstimate that he was seventeen-ish. He just stared at me and opened his mouth to speak,

"Hi there." He said in deep voice. "What can I do you for?"

I gasped at his voice, it was really hot I mean damn. His face wasn't bad either. Taking a step back I held the shoes in front of me. Looking back at Luke he looked a little pissed turning I looked back at the boy,

"Which one of these shoes do you like better?"

He smirked and looked at the shoes. "Definitely the blue ones." I turned and poked Luke in the belly causing him to smile and look down at me.

"Ha told you." Luke just rolled his eyes and poked me back.

"Just for that I might just buy the orange ones." I fake gasped at him.

"How dare you." I quickly turned looking back at the unknown boy who had a jealous look on his face for some reason. "Thanks for your input."

He smiled rather forcibly, "Yeah no problem."

I grabbed Luke's hand dragging him away from the boy with brown eyes and said "See ya later." Waving goodbye to him. I found a new person to ask. In the end every other person said the orange ones and Luke also thought the orange ones were more comfier so, despite my thoughts, he got the orange ones. I really didn't mind though as long as he was happy with them.

Walking out of the shoe store his new shoes in his hand he asked,

"Wanna get something to eat?"

"Of course I do you dummy didn't I just tell you I was hungry?"

"Okay," he laughed "Where do you want to go?"

"Dairy Queen!" I screeched. It was my absolute favourite fast food place. There poutine, food from the heavens I swear. Luke just laughed,

"How did I know you were going to say that?"

"Because your my best friend." I told him as we walked into Dairy Queen.

"So," he said, "Your going to get poutine, correct?" I nodded. "So if I get chicken will you share with me?" I nodded again.

We talked for a little about random things but I really couldn't get into the conversation, all I could think about was how could I ever tell him about the move.

"Okay Lizzy spit it out."

"What?" I asked trying to sound like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"There's something on your mind just spit it out."

I sighed, "Well it's kinda big."

"Really big?" He asked, all I could do was nod. "Just tell me already."

"Ughh well I'm kinda moving."

"Oh that's not that bad, where in town?"

I gulped shaking my head, "Thats what I meant by it's big. I'm moving somewhere else."

"You'll still be within driving distance so it's okay. Right?" Luke muttered looking me right in the eye. My eyes started to water. I shook my head again.

"No Luke. I'm moving to British Columbia."

"B.C?" He asked stunned. "That's like a ten hour drive." I nodded. Watching his eyes fill with tears it almost broke me heart.

"I can't control it Luke my parents are making me go." He looked at me and nodded getting up he excused himself to go to the bathroom. I took this time to calm myself down. All of a sudden I had a strong sense that someone was watching me. Turning around I saw a pair of brown eyes. The same guy from the shoe store. He hesitantly waved, quickly wiping my eyes I waved at him back lowering my head I saw Luke coming back from the bathrooms.

Gathering our garbage I met him half way to the table when Luke pulled me into his arms and whispering in my ear, "If I only have limited time with you I better make the most of it." I pulled my head back a little looking at him.

"What do you mean?"

He kissed my cheek before grabbing my hand and jumping up and down excitedly. "We're going to have a sleep over!" I laughed and agreed allowing him to pull me out of the restaurant to go buy snacks and movies or what ever he wanted to get. But I couldn't help but notice the sadness in the brown eyed boys face as he watched us leave.

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