All Shelby's - Requested

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*Requested by @stark1943*

Everybody knew the Shelby family,they were the most feared family in Small Heath

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Everybody knew the Shelby family,they were the most feared family in Small Heath. There was; Arthur Shelby,Tommy Shelby,John Shelby,Finn and Ada Shelby and Polly Gray. Everybody seemed to forget that there was somebody else in the Shelby family.Y/N Shelby.


You were the youngest sibling in the Shelby family which meant that your brothers did their best to protect you from the horrors of their work. You only saw the legal side of your brothers' business,the honest work that they did. You had no idea about the other side,the side that they tried so desperately to hide from you. They feared that if you got caught up in it then something bad would happen and none of them wanted that,they also didn't want you thinking bad of them. Your feelings and what you thought of them were the only thing that mattered to the Shelby boys. Especially Thomas.

"They're here!" A voice echoed around the empty pub,your brother,Tommy,rose from his seat and stuck a cigarette in between his lips.

"You,stay here" he breathed out,pointing a finger at you. His voice was cold and a glare hardened on his face. You nodded quickly and watched as your brother walked out of the Garrison.

A few minutes had passed and all you heard was your brother shouting and another unknown voice. A bang erupted from outside the doors,you immediately jumped from the seat that you were sat in and ran to the door just in time to see Danny Wizzbang collapse on the floor and Tommy hunch over in pain. Your mouth dropped open when you saw the blood pouring from him and Danny,another body lay still on the floor a few feet away from your brothers. Tears pooled in your eyes as your jaw dropped open,your hand slapped over your mouth in an attempt to stop noise escaping. You quickly ran back inside and out the back of the Garrison. You ran and ran and ran,not looking back once.


15 years had passed since you had last seen your brothers,you hadn't turned back since that day you saw Danny die right in front of you. You had managed to get to London where you met a nice lad who took you into his home. You eventually fell in love with him and started a family with him,they were your whole world.

"Ronnie,get your backside down here and get your bag for school!" You shouted up the stairs for the thousandth time that morning. You heard a groan and the stamping of feet as you turned around to face your husband who stood with a small smirk on his face.

"He's exactly like you" you whined as he laughed and placed his hands on your waist,kissing your forehead softly.

"I have to go,I have a busy day" he whispered,you nodded and straightened his tie,giving him a small smile as you did so.

"Ronnie! You're gonna be late!" You shouted again seeing your son take his time as he walked down the stairs.

"I'll see you later,Reg. I love you" You shouted as you quickly followed after your son,leaving your husband to leave for work.


"What have I told you about getting into fight with bigger kids?" You hissed as your cleaned the cuts on your son's face.

"I'm sorry,Mum. It wasn't my fault" he winced as you dabbed at his face with a wet cloth.

"C'mon,let's talk to your father about this" Ronnie groaned but jumped off the counter and followed after you. Reggie had returned home from work earlier than expected but he had spent hours in the basement which was very unusual for him.

"Reg,have a word with your -" your words stopped as you saw your husband sat at a desk with your brothers strung up by their hands.

"What the hell is going on?" You asked,ushering Ronnie out of the room.

"Y/N?" Arthur questioned,his voice broke and you saw the surprise in Tommy and John's eyes.

"Reggie?" You questioned turning to face your husband. Reggie didn't say anything,instead,he turned and glared at your brothers. His gaze returned back to you after a while and his face softened.

"They've been stealing my business and killing off my men,I didn't know they were your brothers,Darling" he spoke softly. No trace of emotion could be found on your face as you stared at your brothers,hanging by their hands.

"Cut them down" you said softly.


"I said - Cut. Them. Down."

Reggie sighed and nodded as he took out his knife from the inside of his blazer pocket. You heard John moan in relief as his hands were released from the scratchy rope. Arthur and Tommy were cut down seconds later,each of them rubbing their wrists in an attempt to soothe the sores.

"Now,get out" your voice was sharp and full of venom. You didn't hate your brothers,you hated the fact that they kept you in the dark. You hated that they didn't come looking for you. You knew they hadn't looked because it wasn't hard to find you,your uncle Charlie had found you easily enough.

"Y/N" John placed his hand on your shoulder which you quickly shrugged off. You turned your back on them and crossed your arms,waiting to hear their footsteps walking away and out of the room.

"If you ever want to come home,Y/N" Arthur started,his voice soft and calm.

"- you know where to find us" Tommy finished. You could hear the emotion in his voice,it was one of your special traits. You were able to figure Tommy out in a matter of seconds. It's why you were so close to him when you were younger and it's why it hurt all the more when he kept you in the dark. You could tell by his voice that it was killing him to leave you behind and lose you again but it was his own fault. It was all of their fault. It was time they accepted it and lived with it.

I hope you guys enjoy this one!

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