Restless Night(Staja)

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(This happens in a different time, after they defeated Morando. Aja and Krel wasn't able to go back to Akaridion-5. Sorry this is delayed and short. I really need requests. And when you guys request, maybe you can give a scenario with the request.)

Eli, Toby, Steve, Mary, and Darcy were at the Tarron's house. They decided to keep the royals company while they tried to find a way home. Eli and Toby were trying to help Krel build another portal to Akaridion-5. Darcy, Mary, Aja, and Steve were sitting outside in the sun. Darcy and Mary were playing the newest mobile game. Aja and Steve were talking about life. Aja has been a bit depressed about not being able to go home. She sighed a little. Aja missed her parents and he home. It was getting a little boring just sitting there, so they decided to go in the pool. The girls and Steve hung in the pool, but then It was becoming late. Most of the friends went home. Steve and Eli were offered to stay over. They went into the living room and watch a ton of Marvel movies. Aja and Krel enjoyed them a lot.

Later, all of them had fallen asleep. Aja was on the couch. Krel and Eli went to Krel's room to sleep. Steve was on the floor. It wasn't until later that night when Steve heard faint sobs coming from Aja. Steve quickly went to his girlfriend. "It's ok, baby girl. I'm here." He comforted her. Aja help on to him. "I had a bad dream Steve. I wasn't able to go home, ever. And Krel was gone and You were gone." She barely took a breath as she stuttered this out. "My Warrior Princess, you will be able to go home and I will never leave you. Krel will always be by you. He cares so much of you." Steve sat himself on the couch next to the blue Akaridion. He put his right hand on Aja's cheek. Steve had to reach up to kiss her. "I love you Aja. I will never leave, because you mean more than anything in the entire universe to me." He pulled her in for another short kiss. They got comfortable and cuddled together. The two fell asleep like that, with no disturbances the rest of the night.

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