Mario Zucchero

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Only me, Giorno, Abbacchio, and Bucciarati were left. All the others had disappeared. Bucciarati was trying to convince Abbacchio to use his Stand. He refused. He didn't want me or Giorno to see his Stand. He would rather die than show us his Stand. I sighed.
Looks like I'll have to take care of this on my own. We all stood together. I had no clue where the enemy was. Giorno gave me a sad look.
"What's wrong?"
He pulled me into a hug.
"If this goes wrong, I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear.
"Can you two save the PDA for later" Abbacchio snapped.
Giorno let go of me and gave me a weak smile. Then he ran and jumped over the entry to the lower deck.

I realized what he was doing a second too late.


A long blade (almost like a saber) came out and spiked straight through Giorno. I ran forward and tried to grab Giorno. His blood splattered on my cheek. He was pulled under.
I was about to jump after him when I felt two strong arms wrap around me.
"Y/n! Stop!"
I could easily break both of Bucciarati's arms. I was about to. Something stopped me. I relaxed and slipped out of his arms. He looked me in the eye and gasped.
Bucciarati POV

Y/n'a eyes changed. It had the same red irises but now the whites of her eyes were black too. She looked familiar. Suddenly it hit me.


The leader of La Squadra Esecuzioni

They had the same eyes and white hair.

The same dark tone

Abbacchio realized it too. She was so much more powerful than we thought she could be.
Time Skip

I kneeled by Giorno's side. He opened his eyes and came into consciousness. He smiled at me.
"Morning Y/n"
"You could've died dumbass"
"But I didn't"
I flicked him between the eyes.
   I stood up and held out my hand to help him. He took my hand and he stood up. He pulled me into a hug.
"Thanks for saving my life" he whispered.
"No problem"
   He didn't let go of me.
"Why is your skin so cold?"
"Shut up Giorno"
I heard someone laugh.
"So cute!" I heard Narancia squeal.
   I slipped out of the hug and joined the others. I watched as a few started to beat Zucchero's body. After a few minutes Narancia, Mista, and Fugo began some sort of torture dance.

"Shouldn't they take the zipper off first?"
Giorno was
Confused to say the least

   Once they were done I summoned my Stand.
"Bucciarati put his body back together, but make sure he stays still"
   He did. I smiled at Zucchero.
Bucciarati POV

   Y/n'a eyes hadn't changed back. They still looked like Risotto. It was slightly disturbing. Especially when's she smiled. There was no warmth behind those eyes.
   A strange line of dark smoke shot out of her Stands finger and directly into the chest of Zucchero.
"Listen, if you lie this shadow line will crush your heart and kill you"
   A single tear fell from his eye as Y/n explained what she was doing. He was genuinely afraid. He knew that Y/n would kill him. She would kill him without a second thought.
"I don't wanna die" he cried.
"Then tell me everything"
   He winced as Y/n tugged on the shadowy line.
"What is your partners Stand ability?"
"I don't know"

Nothing happened. He was telling the truth.

"Where is your partner?"
"On the island"

"Are there any records on me or Giorno?"

"Does your partner know about me or Giorno"
"He knows Giorno"

"Does he know about me?"
"Of course argh-"

   His chest spurted red as the shadow line crushed his head. He dangled there. Dead. The shadow trail left his body and went back to Y/n's Stand. It disappeared and Y/n showed no emotion.

"Maybe she would've been better on the hitman team" Abbacchio whispered in my ear.
Giorno POV

We were on the island now, I was with Mista and Y/n. Y/n's eyes hadn't changed back. I knew better than to ask. I sat next to her on the rocks and Mista began to take out food. I asked why was he taking out food.
   Six tiny fighters crawled out of his gun. That was his Stand. Shit, was I supposed to feed my Stand. I could see Y/n wondering the same thing. He explained what they were and we began to get into position. Y/n and Mista hid near the transmit house while I kept watch. We tried to call for him.


Suddenly Mista began waving crazily. I couldn't see Y/n. She was hiding behind the transmit house to surprise the enemy. Then Mista opened fire on the transmit house. I gasped. What the fuck was he doing?!
Mista POV

   I was hanging on to the side of the truck. I couldn't move. I was going to die. I was going to be killed. I saw a sudden flash of white. I saw Y/n holding on to the side of the truck. The enemy hadn't seen her yet. I hope she had a plan
Mista POV

   We all gathered around the urinal. Bucciarati used Sticky Fingers to open it. A swarm of jewels and gold fell out. We all watched in amazement. We began to study the jewels. Then the call asked for our attention again.

Giorno X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now