Chapter 4

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I remember when the facility called me telling me my sister had been in an accident. We were always together and I blamed myself for not being there to protect her. I may be younger than she is but she’s my sister, I’m supposed to protect her always. I didn’t believe she’d been in an accident. I thought to myself, Baylee? My sister? In an accident? My sister had never been so careless.


I watched as she got two cups of coffee, like she’s been doing everyday since the accident. She talked to herself, but no one ever had to guts to ask her who. I was ordered not to talk to her by the warden of the facility. They told me she couldn’t remember me. She couldn’t remember anyone for that matter. She barely remembered Claire, who was like our own mother. It hurt me that she didn’t remember me. How could she not? Her own sister! We spent so much time together and she just forgot about me? I wanted to talk to her, but I could never find her when she was alone. First, I’d have to go to my training class because I’ve been skipping a lot lately.


        I walk into my training class and stood quietly across the door not wanting to be here. I tried to listen to my instructor as she attempted to teach me with her boring monotoned voice. I eventually began to drift off until I heard the creak of the door being opened. Instinctively I turned toward the door to see who was walking in. I opened my eyes in amazement when I noticed it was my sister who had walked in. As I stared at her she stared back, maybe that means she does remember me? I watch as she walked down the long narrow hallway and then excused myself by saying I needed to use the restroom. This was finally my chance to talk to my sister alone.

        Hearing my sisters voice coming from the room to my right my heart began to race. I hadn’t talked to her or heard her voice since the accident. I miss her so badly. I’m not supposed to tell her who I am though, that is if she doesn’t remember me, after seeing me. We’re not allowed to talk about the accident either. “Hey lady are you okay? You look hurt” I said as I walked into the room she was in.  "Yeah I'm fine, hi I'm Baylee what’s your name?" my sister replied. What’s my name? Did she seriously not remember or was she just playing with me? “Why do you want to know?” I asked upset by the fact that she was messing with me or the fact that she had honestly forgotten about me. “If you’re gonna be a brat then leave us alone!” my sister snapped at me. Us? People around the facility started calling my sister crazy, now I understood why. How could she forget me? Hurt and forgotten I ran away before she could see me crying. My sister was gone.

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