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Step 2a: Find Aileen's lesbian lover.

She hid it well, but you were astute.

The giggles. The dilated pupils. The frequent trips to an art studio for the elite.

She was in love with this woman.


As the ball closed, the guests prepared for the grandiose 7-course meal, courtesy of your father. 

You silently entered the dinner venue and wove through the tables until you found the name you were searching for.

Katsumi Himura.

It was her that Aileen stole glances of during the ball.

You moved Katsumi's place card next to Aileen's, and scampered back to the suite.

And you waited. 


For the next step in your plan to fall into place.


You elegantly placed your utensils on your plate, stomach stuffed.

Excusing yourself, you glided to your suite where Aileen and Katsumi had disappeared off to 34 minutes ago.

Peering through a crack in the door, you watched them kiss softly.

Pulling back, you smiled.

Your future was finally arriving.

You could practically smell the blood of a rotting carcass you would create.

And you were ready.

And you were ready

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