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I opened my eyes and my head hurt a lot, I was on the floor and had a chain on my left leg, and I was lying on the floor. In a room that had no windows, I noticed everything from the sunlight that was under the  door.

"I'm a complete asshole." I said not wanting to get up.

"You're very right." a low voice sounded like an echo in the room.  I opened my eyes more trying to make visible where this boy was that made me nervous. The light came on, and I saw him in a small chair staring at me.  I was afraid, and my hips hurt from his blow, I didn't know if it had been hours or days, but I was very confused.

"You should stop getting into trouble." He got up and I began to be alert.
"So handsome, but so weak."

He approached me and stuck his forehead with mine.  I was sitting and closed my eyes.
"If you knew why you are here, you would laugh." he said with a laugh.
"Tell .."

His hand took my neck and I gasped for a few seconds until he left my neck alone.
"I told you to shut up." he said looking at me
mockingly. I did a little massage to my sore neck, it was red.
"You are red." he said kissing my forehead.

I was disgusted by this boy, but that kiss
calmed me down, which I shouldn't be afraid of, but I am masochistic.
"Good boy." He stroked my head and then smiled at me. "When you are better before you will leave here".

He gave me a hint, a little hint to get out of here, the thing is that he complies.  I had to shut up and it wasn't going to be easy because it made me pissed off and angry.  But I'll try.

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