Ch. 10 | Femme Fatale

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Surpriseeeee! I couldn't hold it in. I had so much fun writing it and it demanded to be read so I obeyed.

Enjoy and please make sure to vote & comment


I know to be there
When and where, I'll be there
You know what's to be said
We said out loud, we never said

-Together, The xx

If a volcano could be a person, in that moment it would be Ash. Her bright eyes glowed with indignation, her cheeks and neck flourished with heated hues that burned all the way out to the tips of her fiery red hair, and her lips, those permanently scarlet painted lips, curled back over her white teeth into a snarl that was to be the beginning of her eruption. Nobody could erupt quite like Ash; the Siren, a mythological beauty famous for luring men to their deaths.

                She locked her bright eyes onto Aiden’s dark, unwavering ones and settled back into her chair. “Mighty, Stone, may we have the room.” It wasn’t a question.

                “That won’t be necessary,” said Aiden.

                Something silver shot through the air, whistling as it went, narrowly missing Aiden’s face and landed in the wall behind him with a heavy thud. Aiden didn’t flinch but Mighty and Stone did. They looked at the wall to see one of Ash’s Mora knife blades lodged deep in it.

“Get the fuck out.”

Mighty and Stone looked at Aiden. “Give us five minutes,” he growled through gritted teeth; why did she have to be so irritating? He shot her an annoyed look and Ash smiled. Mighty and Stone left and Aiden got to his feet.

“Find another way,” Ash demanded.

Aiden sighed and yanked the blade out of the wall. “Ashleigh_”

“Aiden,” she snapped, clenching her fist in her lap, “Find another way.”

Aiden turned the blade meant for his head over in his hands, “There is no other way.”

Ash slammed her fist against the desk, “Then fucking make one!”

Aiden walked over to her and held the blade out with the sharp end between his fingers, “So is that a no?” he asked coolly.

“Is that a fuck you?” she snatched the blade from him.

“It’s a question. Give me an answer.”

Ash looked up at Aiden from under her eyelashes and brought the tip of her blade to the inner curve of his knee. Slowly, she dragged the gleaming weapon up his inner thigh until she reached his apex. She pressed the blade into the seam of his black trousers and nicked one of the threads so it popped apart, “I already did.”

Aiden’s mouth subtly quirked up at the corner; she was really testing his patience today. Holding her pretty indignant gaze, he wrapped his thick fingers around her pale wrists and pulled her hand away. She fought against him of course, Ash was never one to give up when she wanted something, but Aiden, with his rippling muscles and unrivalled strength, overpowered her with next to no effort. He let go of her hand, “Then this conversation is over.”  He turned his back on her to return to his seat.

“No it’s not,” Ash snarled and lodged her Mora knife blade into the table top, “You are going to find another way.”

“Am I now?”

“Yes,” she jumped up from her seat, closed the space between them with two determined strides and tugged on his arm to turning him back to face her, “Aiden, you can’t force me into some bullshit ultimatum like this. It’s not fair.”

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