Chapter 4 ~Oh Brother~

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Every single boy is practically drooling over her and the one boy she has to be interested in is my brother?!

Eliza thought as she rolled her eyes, watching Rosalie laugh at something Jonathan had said. The two were giggling together at Jonathan's locker, which so happened to be across the hall from her's.

Rosalie seemed to be fitting into school nicely over the past couple months. It seemed as if no one had a single malicious thing to say about her, and it drove Eliza crazy.

This girl has to have at least one incriminating thing on her.

Eliza gritted her teeth. The brunette continued to be brutal to the blonde during practices, but she never heard the other girl mutter a complaint or foul words.

The brunette was just grateful that Thanksgiving break was approaching next week, and she could finally get the sleep she deserved.

The rest of the day was uneventful and boring. Classes came and went, and Eliza was glad that she cancelled practice because they did so well at the football game the night before.

As the brunette was making her way to the parking lot, she heard someone call her name. Turning around, she saw Jenny jogging up to her.

"Hey Liz!" The bubbly girl greeted the brunette, lightly panting from trying to catch up with her captain.

"Hey Jen." Eliza greeted back as the two made their way to their cars together.

"Okay so Levi is having a small bash at his house tonight. You in?" Jenny asked and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

Eliza chuckled at her friend's goofiness. "Can't. I have this stupid family dinner. My brother's bringing home one of his whores so I have to be there."

The brunette rolled her eyes.

Always Jonathan. Never me.

Her friend pouted. "Just tell them you have to go to a study sesh. Pleeeaase Liz." Jenny begged, giving the brunette her best puppy eyes. "Plus Chris is gonna be there. Weren't you guys a thing?"

Eliza scoffed. "Just because he likes me does not make us a thing."

"You flirt with him a lot. Plus you would make a hot couple."

This make the brunette glared at her friend.

Jenny raised her hands in a surrender position. "I'm just saying. Your brother's the next hottest guy and you can't really date him so-"

"You bitch!" Eliza said playfully, lightly shoving her friend's shoulder.

The two soon approached the brunette's car, which was parked closer to the school.

"You know if your brother and Rosalie become a couple, you may be dethroned of your crown Liz." Her co-captain's tone was playful, but still held a truth.

"Elaborate." The brunette said in a flat tone.

"Well, your brother, total hottie, lacrosse team captain, dreamboat, total hunk-"

"Okay okay I get it, move on!" The brunette let out a deep sigh and rolled her eyes again.

"Okay sorry, anyways, Rosalie, the school's new sweetheart, and hot topic because she's new, and one of the best on the cheerleading team. The two would be a force to reckon with."

The brunette bit her lip in thought. Jenny had a point. High school was just a big popularity contest, and if her brother and Rosalie began dating, they would certainly win.

Jenny giggled as a new thought appeared in her head. "Maybe you should just date Rosalie instead. That would certainly be groundbreaking."

Eliza rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time and raised her middle finger towards her friend as she unlocked her car.

Climbing into her car, the brunette rolled down her window in order to finish off her conversation.

"Bye Jen!" Eliza waves goodbye to her friend as she began to pull out of her parking space.

"Bye!! Have fun at dinner!" Jenny winked at her friend, and continued waving as the brunette drove out of the lot, and into the main road.

Arriving home, Eliza was immediately hit with the smell of mouthwatering food.

Mom never cooks when I bring a boy home. Eliza pouted. Granted, she didn't bring very many boys home. The only time she did, her parents passive aggressively insulted him so much, that he broke up with the brunette, and never spoke to her again.

The brunette popped her head into the kitchen to see her mother wearing a baby pink apron, and stirring something in a pop over the stove.

"I'm home." Eliza called from the open area connecting the living room, and kitchen.

"You're late." Her mother deadpanned. "Your brother got home an hour ago."

She always found a way to insert Jonathan into everything.

No one ever said Eliza looked like her mother, which made sense because her mother had light blonde hair, and icy blue eyes, but everyone always compared Jonathan to their mother.

Based on a glance, anyone would think that the twins physically looked like their father, with the dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. But upon further inspection, the way their features were pronounced were different.

Being born fraternal twins, everyone always said Jonathan had the softer features of their mother, and Eliza had the sharper features of their father.

As children, Jonathan was always approached more because he appeared kinder. Now grown, nothing had changed.

Hearing steps thudding down the stairs, Eliza glanced to her left.

Approaching the kitchen was none other than the devil himself, Jonathan.

Their mother dropped the wooden spoon she was holding into the pot, and walked over to the other twin, holding his shoulders.

"My boy's all grown up! You look so handsome!" Their mother complimented, making Eliza roll her eyes.

"Mother, you flatter me too much!" He retorted, giving her his most charming smile.

Eliza took this as her cue to trudge upstairs to begin getting ready, not wanting to hear her mom's bitching later about her "tardiness" and "unmannered" personality.

Reaching her room, she quickly shut the door and plopped onto her bed, face first. She grabbed the nearest pillow to her and screamed into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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