Chapter 4- Burn

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quick A/N: All Latin will be... google translated... so sorry ahead of time if anyone speaks Latin.

Also, please tell me if something doesn't make sense I got a bit confused while writing and cut bits out and added some in so please tell me if I forgot something.

Dipper's POV

Bill and I walk through the forest looking for a good spot to practice magic that is far enough away from town that no one will see and is close enough that we don't spend all of our free time getting there. I look over to Bill and see him looking through some bushes like a dog. 'weirdo' I think to my self as I go over to him. "What are you doing?" Bill just ignores me and keeps rummaging around. I mentally sigh as I say his name again, "Bill." again... nothing. 'okay this is getting old fast' I walk behind him from where I was before and kick him in the butt knocking him facefirst into the bush he was digging in. "PINETREE!! What was that for!?" he asks me trying to get out of the bush falling a couple of times. I hold back a snicker as I reply with a slight smile on my face, "You were so in love with the bush that I got jealous and decided to ruin your relationship." He looks at me with a face that I can't quite match to an emotion. "What the hell are you talking about?" now he just looks confused as hell. I chuckle a bit as I begin to explain "You weren't answering me after I called your name. I came up with that bullshit excuse on the spot ignore it." 

"You didn't have to KICK me!" 

"I know. I just wanted to."

Bill grumbles as he picks leaves out of his hair and brushes off his coat. "So what were you doing in that bush?" I ask hoping to get a straight answer, though knowing Bill, I'm probably not. "Nothing. Nothing at all." He replies as I give him the incredulous raised eyebrow look. 'If he wanted to hide it he shouldn't have looked in the bush while I was here' "That's bullshit now tell me before I punch you. And trust me, this time I won't miss." I say with a bit of a bored expression. He looks at me and pouts like a child who was told he couldn't have a cookie. "Fine! I saw a gnome carrying something interesting and I was trying to catch it but there's some kind of burrow under the bush he went into." He finishes explaining his odd behavior as we start walking again coming into a clearing. "What did the gnome have that could make the almighty Bill Cipher dirty his hands?" I ask finally letting my curiosity take over in the most sarcastic way I could. Bill looks over to me and chuckles lowly. 'Damn that's hot' my thoughts get interrupted as he answers my question. "I'm not really sure but it was glowing. Anyway let's use this clearing and get started we're 'burning daylight' as you meatsacks say." I look away from him to examine the clearing. "Yeah I guess here will work," I reply looking back to him. "So what's first?" He looks at me and smirks, "I was thinking fire magic since it's the simplest." Besides the creepy smirk, it makes sense. "Okay." I stand in the center of the clearing while Bill floats criss-cross in the air in front of me. "Alright Pinetree, close your eyes and imagine power coming from your core, flowing through your body into your arm and to your hand. Imagine it taking form as a flame. Feel the heat taking form and chant, 'O ignis combustio; Adtrecto mea vis et sumo figura.' ('Oh fire burning; take my power and take form' so original I know)" I close my eyes and begin to feel a fuzzy feeling in my abdomen. 'I guess I found my core' the feeling started to spread so I focused on controlling its flow to move through my arm to my hand as Bill said to. I imagine a flame sitting in my hand as if it was from a lighter. I start to chant the strange Latin- 'or at least I'm assuming they are Latin'- words that Bill told me to, "O ignis combustio; Adtrecto mea vis et sumo figura." as I chant I feel a warmth in my hand and on my forehead appear. 'Oh, shit. Did I set my forehead on fire?' I slightly worry as I open my eyes slowly. The warmth on my head disappearing as I do. I decide to ignore it for now as I look down to my hand to find a fire. I feel a wave of excitement wash over me as I look up to Bill seeing if he saw what I just did, but when I see his face I get worried I did something wrong or really did set my head on fire, "What?". He looked really surprised and... determined? 

Bill POV (Begining of the chapter)

Dipper and I are walking through the woods to find a spot for him to learn magic but I swear this kid is so damn picky. He wouldn't even let me teleport us somewhere until we found a spot, which makes no sense. Why can't I just teleport us to a spot? I get bored and decide to take a look around. I hear some rustling in a bush next to me and decide to check it out. 'Is that a gnome? What does he have?' I think to my self as I find the source of the noise holding a glowing object in his tiny hands. 'Is that... it can't be. It is! It's a witches' stone! Why does a gnome have it?' A gnome shouldn't have a witches' stone. The last one I saw was Gideon's but Mable smashed it to smithereens. I vaguely hear Pinetree call my name as I try to catch the little pest with more power than it should have. Damn it! It has a burrow. Next thing I know I'm falling headfirst into the bush. Someone just kicked me. "PINETREE!! What was that for!?" 'Why would he do that!? I'm helping this little twerp... and he KICKS ME!' Pinetree looks at me with a small smile on his face 'cute' "You were so in love with the bush that I got jealous and decided to ruin your relationship." What??? that doesn't even make sense. 'Then again does anything ever with me?' "What the hell are you talking about?" I ask considering how fucking confused I am at this point. "You weren't answering me after I called your name. I came up with that bullshit excuse on the spot ignore it." 'Seriously!?'

"You didn't have to KICK me!" 

"I know. I just wanted to."

'Why this little...' I grumble a bit as I try to get out of the sea of bushes I was just swimming in and dust my self off. "So what were you doing in that bush?" 'Hmmm... I don't think Pinetree should know about that stone just yet. Even though it would be a huge help in his training.' "Nothing. Nothing at all." Pinetree looks at me with one eyebrow raised and arms crossed slightly leaning back on one leg as he speaks, "That's bullshit now tell me before I punch you. And trust me, this time I won't miss." 'Oh boy. This isn't good. He is definitely stronger now and I really don't want a broken nose. If I dodge he'll only keep trying...' Ugh! this kid is more trouble than he's worth! I pout just a bit as I tell him a half-truth, "Fine! I saw a gnome carrying something interesting and I was trying to catch it but there's some kind of burrow under the bush he went into." Pinetree seemed satisfied at my answer as we walked a bit entering a clearing. "What did the gnome have that could make the almighty Bill Cipher dirty his hands?" I guess he wasn't as satisfied as I thought with a chuckle. Oh well let's change the subject with another half-truth, "I'm not really sure but it was glowing. Anyway let's use this clearing and get started we're 'burning daylight' as you meatsacks say." He seems to scout out the area when I say this. "Yeah I guess here will work, so what's first?" I actually haven't thought of that just yet... Oh! I know we'll start him off with fire magic. Although it seems simple, It's really difficult to use. Perfect! This'll be my revenge for earlier! "I was thinking fire magic since it's the simplest."I say with a smirk. He seemed to buy it thankfully as he replies with a small, "Okay.". We get into position in the clearing. While I may be tricking him I still want to tell him correctly so I don't have to explain it later. I begin, "Alright Pinetree, close your eyes and imagine power coming from your core, flowing through your body into your arm and to your hand. Imagine it taking form as a flame. Feel the heat taking form and chant, 'O ignis combustio; Adtrecto mea vis et sumo figura.' ('Oh fire burning; take my power and take form')" He closes his eyes as he takes a minute and starts chanting, "O ignis combustio;" Wait! why is his forehead glowing? that shouldn't happen. unless... "Adtrecto mea vis et sumo figura." He finishes chanting and looks to his hand. 'Welp! there goes my revenge.' I can't believe he was able to do that! He shouldn't be able to perform that magic- Let alone on the first try. I guess I had a weird face on because Pinetree was looking at me funny, "What?" He asks. I stay silent, lost in thought. 'If he really is... the only way to tell is to look at his forehead' I have to see under his bangs.

A/N: What is Bill talking- well thinking about? How was Dipper able to perform fire magic so easily? Even I don't really know. I'm bullshiting all of this.

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