Midnight Calls

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Joe's PoV
I awoke to the sound of a faint ringing noise, and looked over to Dianne's side of the bed. Of course it would be Dianne, forgetting to put her phone on silent. Her bag was lighting up with each call and I wasn't sure whether to wake her or not. After all, I didn't know who it was or how important they were.
I crept out of bed and over to her cabinet near the door, which was the place she had left her bag last night, and lifted her phone out. The ringing became loud and I heard a shuffle and a moan before Dianne came to my side.
"Joe? What's up? Why are you in my bag?" She asked, a little startled obviously.
"Oh you're Phone was ringing and I didn't know who it was, look." I said, showing her the phone.
"It's Anthony." She whispered, going pale with worry, "I'll go take this outside." I nodded, not really suspecting anything yet. And I went back to bed with not a worry being overthought about.

In the morning

I turned over in bed, searching for Dianne's hand but I couldn't find it. "Good morning," I said, gently rubbing the covers trying to find her. I sat up, "You aren't playing tric-..." I nearly screamed. What has Anthony done to her?! I swear I have never jumped out of bed quicker. Ok Joe, be calm. I told myself, she is probably just downstairs on the sofa, or she has already gotten up.
I took a quick check through my messages making sure she hadn't rang or texted me. But then I realised.
Her bag was in the same place it had been last night, just her phone wasn't in it. Oh god, this wasn't good, I thought.
I ran downstairs and checked just about every alcove and corner of the apartment, the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room. She wasn't anywhere in here.
"Dianne?!" I shouted, attempting to speak loud but quiet at the same time.
Her dance bag lay strewn across the kitchen counters and her shoes thrown around the living room. I breathed heavily, heavier and heavier with every step I took. I could just ring her. It was obvious.

I took out my phone and clicked the little 'Dianne' in my contacts. It rang for a few moments and then someone picked up, and I know for certain that it wasn't Dianne...

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