Balli (Lizard)

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At Hospital, Hyderabad

Anasuya became surprised on seeing Anand and came to him with worry on thinking why he came to Hospital

Anasuya : Nandu!! Why you came to hospital?

Anasuya : Nandu!! Why you came to hospital?

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Anand : Actually..

Anasuya : Are you ok?

Anand : Yes..But..

Anasuya : Then How is Bhanu? How is Athaya?

Anasuya not let Anand to reply

Anand : First you Calm down,I will tell you.

Anand said about the incident happened in his house which makes his mother got Heart Attack

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Anand said about the incident happened in his house which makes his mother got Heart Attack.

Anasuya : Oh!! How is she?

Anand : Amma is stable, But stents have to do to Heart.So we bring her here.

Anasuya : Can I see Athaya?

Anand : Sure,Come with me..

Inside Ward

Anasuya went inside ward to see them and Bhanu became Happy on seeing her and Hugged her

Bhanu : Vadina!! How are you?

Bhanu : Vadina!! How are you?

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Anasuya : How is Athaya?

Bhanu : Now she is fine,Doctor said tomorrow they will do stents to Heart.

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