Chapter 2

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"I just don't understand why she'd do you like that." I heard my best friend say as I shuffled my playlist through the speaker.

It's not like I was even hurt. Well, maybe just a little. & by a little, I mean a tremendous amount but that's besides the point.

"I really was to her disposable," I paused, shaking away the negative thoughts, "you'd think after everything we'd been through, she wouldn't have cheated."

Camilla just gave me a sympathetic look, insisting that we watch a bunch of movies tonight & eat whatever I desired as she'd be here as a reminder that eventually things'll get better, however, I had a difficult time believing in that.


Revving up the engine alive, I realized I had to hurry & drive to actually arrive to practice on time. The coaches weren't as lieutenant as I wish they'd been, but I learnt to just deal with it. Pulling up to the school where I ran to the direction of the locker room, I felt myself colliding with another body.

"I'm so sorry." The unfamiliar voice spoke, scrambling to help me up.

"No I'm sorry." I apologized, aware that I shouldn't have been so hasty.

"I've seen you around actually." The girl stated, I then met her ocean eyes & smiled at the sight.

I must've looked like a total weirdo, but I didn't regret bumping into her.

"Completely refreshed my mind, I have you for art class right?" I questioned, certain I was correct.

She nodded, "That's me."

Her radiant smile warmed me & I felt an odd tingling sensation- but I just disregarded it.

"I'm Serena." I extended my hand out, awaiting for her to do the same.

"Alyssa." She took my hand. I couldn't help but to feel so.. nervous?

It occurred to me when I caught a glimpse of her that she was obviously so pretty, probably too pretty for her own good.

But it also dawned on me that I never quite introduced myself to her & considering the few weeks in within the new & last of our school year, I wondered why we never actually spoke to one another.

"It was nice meeting you," I said, looking past her shoulders seeing my coach down the corridor, "But I gotta go so hopefully we can talk more!"

Quickly departing, I felt this sort of peculiar yet good feeling. Like coming across her had been fulfilling.

As I changed into my athletic uniform, I couldn't help but to think about this girl whom was practically a stranger yet I felt like I should've known her way before.

She had pearly whites & the vibe she gave off screamed kindness. Her medium length brunette hair, those water pool eyes, the tan complexion, she honestly seemed like one of a kind.

But I just pushed that to the back of my mind.

I was in my prime right now, cheerleading being what I was good at.

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