chapter threa

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"Hey Zayn come sit with us!" Yelled Niall
"You can't sit with us" whispered Louis "yes he can God damnit louis get over it!" Ok he called over. he walked down and sat down next to Niall Louis looked furious but his angry face was adorable. "where are your friends zayn" Niall asked "I haven't really made any" he whispered. "serves you right trying to take Niall from me" Louis grumbles I look over and glare at him but he glares back and sticks his tongue out at me. well anyways lunchtimes over better head to class.

(Hey guys I've been gone for a super duper long time so I am so so incredibly sorry hopefully il be able to update more but anyways let me know how you think the story's going bye my baby ikeas.)

Why MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora