No More Resets

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     A voice rings throughout the void. "Is this what you wanted Frisk?"  The voice is deep, haunting, almost glitching. The girl floats in the dark abyss, which is the result of once again destroying the world around her. Tears flowed down her cheeks, Chara had once again taken over and killed everyone she loved. "No..... I never wanted this... I never even wanted to reset... But HE made me".  The voice was silent for a moment. "I can help you Frisk.... I can help them... But, if I help you here, you must know, there will be consequences for your actions." The young girl thought for a moment. Her eyes starring into the darkness. The voice spoke again. "You have seen many versions of everyone. The originals, the fells, the swaps, and many more. I can bring them all back, at least all the good ones. But if this happens, then you must never delete this world or reset anything again. I cannot protect your world from the outside dangers as well. Therefore, this is something you will have to do. What do you say child? What is you answer?"

      Frisk closed her eyes tightly, although there was not a difference from when hey we're open. "I will accept your offer! I want them back! All of them...." Silence filled her ears, until the voice finally reached her ears once more. " Open your eyes child" As Frisk opened her eyes, she saw her soul, floating right in front of her. But the part that was surprising was the little yellow twinkle on the soul, shining brightly in the dark abyss around her. "Go on. Reset. But this time... No. More. Resets." The voice became quiet again and Frisk reached her hand out gently pulling the soul to her chest, curling around it. One last tear flowed down her cheek as a menu popped up in front of her. 'Are you sure you want to reset?' Her hand reached out and pressed the button labeled 'Yes' and a bright light surrounded her. Warmth spread throughout her body as she found herself curled in a bed. 

    Surprised by where she had woken up, she sat up in the bed and looked around the room. Three beds lay in the quite spacious room, the blinds were closed, but the light of the sun shines through the spaces in the blinds. Birds could be heard chirping outside as Frisk saw the different things that decorated the room, desks, toys, trophies and clothes. Slowly she got out of her bed and planted her feet on the ground firmly. Looking down, she saw that she was wearing a cute blue and purple stripped, silk, nightgown. She quietly left the room and walked down the hall, noises could be heard in the dining room. As she walked she noticed the beautiful golden flowers that adorned the many flower pots in the hallway. 

     Finally she reached the end of the hallway, and walked into the living room, to see and older rocking chair and fireplace just like the one in Toriel's home in the ruins. The noises from the dining room got louder, realizing that the noises were people talking, Frisk peeked her head into the room to see Toriel setting food on the table. On either side of the table sat two kids around her age, two boys, one a human, the other a goat monster. At the end of the table sat the King of the monsters, a pile of pancakes in front of him covered in butter and syrup. The two boys were joking and laughing with one another. Chara sat on Asgore's left, he smiled brightly and looked like any normal boy, Asriel sat across from him, he to was smiling and goofing off. Tears filled Frisk's eyes as she suddenly ran into the room and engulfed Toriel in a hug, surprising the woman. 

     "My child is everything alright?" She asked as she bent down to look at Frisk, her soft, furry hand coming to rest on the young girls cheek. Softly, Frisk nuzzled her hand and shook her head no. "Just a bad dream.... That's all." She said. Toriel gently pulled the girl into a hug and asked in a soft voice, "My child would you like to talk about it?" The girl looked around the room, seeing the concerned faces from the rest of her family. Pulling out of the hug and shaking her head no, she gave everyone a small smile and wiped her tears away. "No, everything is better now." Asgore grinned at Frisk, and gave a jolly laugh. "You know what would make everything even better? If you have some of your mother's amazing cooking! I know that always makes me feel better!" The boys laughed along with their father as Frisk giggled, nodding her head and climbing into her seat next to Asriel. 

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