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(Liv's POV) 

    I sighed as we walked down the sidewalk. My wet bra was starting to soak through Impact's shirt and I was starting to get a migraine. The guys were quite, the sun shining brightly in the sky. Eventually, Impact spoke up, "We could go to my house. Liv has clothes there, and my family should be home today. They could help brighten today up a bit." He smiled brightly over at everyone. Cal had a blank expression on his face as he pulled out a cigarette from his jacket pocket, lighting it.  Trajan still looked pissed as we walked. I nodded my head at Impact, giving him a weak smile, "That sounds wonderful Impact. Thanks." I reached up and started playing with my hair, something I only do I've I'm not feeling okay. Out of my peripheral vision I saw something move behind the trees that lead into the woods. I stopped and looked over, seeing nothing. I let go of my hair and gave a confused look at the area, the feeling of being watched once again coming over me. A hand touched my shoulder causing me to jump, when I turned, Trajan was standing there with a concerned look on his face. "You okay?" He asked.

   I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. "Y-yeah I'm totally fine. Just thought I saw something. Guess I was wrong." He shrugged and motioned towards the other guys, "Let's go then." I nodded my head as he turned to walk off. My eyes were drawn to the treeline once more, seeing what looked like green orbs floating in the shadows. My heart raced as I quickly ran up to the guys, walking between Cal and Trajan. I tried to push the feeling of being watched from my mind as we were almost to Impact's house. Impact looked over and gave me a questioning look. "Liv you're looking kind of pale. Are you alright?" The other two boys both looked at me, watching carefully. "I'm fine. I just have a really bad migraine." I said with a small smile, although on the inside I was freaking out. 'There's no way I can tell the guys about what I saw. For all I know my mind could be making this up.' Cal nodded, "That's understandable." That was all he said before he took another drag from his cigarette. I sighed and placed my left hand on my forehead. 

    I felt Trajan grab my right hand, holding it just like when we were kids. But this felt different, it felt like butterflies were fluttering around in my stomach, and the feeling of being watched was immediately pushed to the back of my mind. I looked at him, seeing that he wasn't even looking at me, he was just starting ahead. A little bit of red decorated he's cheekbones as a blank expression covered his face. I gently squeezed his hand as we approached Impact's house. Mettaton, Papyrus and Sans were all outside. Currently, Papyrus was wearing a plain t-shirt and some jeans, he was yelling at Sans, telling him to stop being a "lazybones". Sans, in a white tank top and his usual basketball shorts, was laying back in a lawn chair, soaking up the sun. He was just sitting there, listening to Papyrus. Mettaton on the other hand was wearing gardening clothes, pulling weeds out of her garden. She found that she quite enjoyed gardening and taking care of flowers. As we walked up, Papyrus's attention turned to us. "Oh! Hello there!" He exclaimed happily. 

   Mettaton looked up from her spot in front of her flower bed. "What are you kids doing here? Didn't school just start?" She walked over, moving her hat, seeing the wet spots on my shirt, and the mismatched clothes I was wearing. She raised her eyebrow at me. "This rude chick has beef with Liv and spilled coffee on her. I told Alphys and she sent us home for the day until she works out the bullying issue." Said Cal as he stuffed his hands in his pocket. I hadn't noticed when he got rid of his cigarette. Papyrus gasped, his boney hands coming up to his mouth, "Someone was bullying the princess? Why would they do that?" Shock clear in his voice. Sans opened his eyes at his brothers statement and looked at the four of us. 

    He sighed and stood up. "Welp.. guess I should go to work and help Alphys with the bullying issue." I raise my eyebrow at him, as Impact asked him, "Aren't you supposed to be at the school anyways? You're our homeroom teacher." Sans shrugged as he got up from the chair, "I was called to the castle last night to help look for Liv, so i called in my substitute for today." He shoved his hands in his pockets as he started to go into the house. "But it looks like I'm not going be able to laze around all day." With those words, he disappeared behind the front door. Mettaton stood and walked over to our group, her eyes landing on my hand that was hold Trajan's. She smiled softly at us and said, "Well, today is my day off and I'm almost done here in the garden. Why don't I take the kids shopping for the ball tomorrow? After Liv gets cleaned up first that is." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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