Cast: Season 3A

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(Because Season two wasn't that long I've decided to not put hours of work in coming up or finding new quotes for everyone. Erica, Boyd, Jackson and Gerard will make no appearances in the season 3A, just so you know.)

Emeraude Toubia as Selene Vulpes

Emeraude Toubia as Selene Vulpes

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"I have a lot of secrets

I just thought I knew them all"

Dylan O'Brien as Stiles Stillinski

Dylan O'Brien as Stiles Stillinski

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"I already lost one parent

I'm not losing my dad"

Charlie and Max Carver as Ethan and Aiden Steiner

Charlie and Max Carver as Ethan and Aiden Steiner

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"They can become twice as powerful

by being together"

Gideon Emery as Deucalion

"I am the alpha of alphas,

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"I am the alpha of alphas,

I am the apex of apex predators,

I am death, destroyer of worlds

I. Am. The. DemonWolf"

~Deucalion, Teen Wolf

Felisha Terrell as Kali

"She's in desperate need of a pedicure

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"She's in desperate need of a pedicure.

I'm happy to give a referral"

~Lydia Martin, Teen Wolf

Brian Patrick Wade as Ennis

Brian Patrick Wade as Ennis

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"The bigger they are! The...

Bigger they are!"

~Coach, Teen Wolf

Hayley Webb as Jennifer Blake

"Look like the innocent flower,

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"Look like the innocent flower,

be the serpent under't"

~William Shakespeare,
Lady Macbeth,
scene V,

~William Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth, scene V, 'Macbeth'

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