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Garrett Douglas is teaching his physics class and is holding up a metal rod as he stands before all of the students.

"Power. The ability, to control things. This metal, has no power. It's small. Weak. Insignificant. Is there anything we can do to change that?" Douglas asks. Corey, who is sitting next to Mason, raises his hand, causing Douglas to call on him for the answer. Mason, who was reading his book, gets surprised by Corey's sudden volunteering. "Corey, whatchu got?"

"We can add electricity," Corey proposes. Douglas smiles at him proudly.

"Exactly." Mason gives Corey an impressed smile for his correct answer and Corey smiles back."We turn this metal rod..." Douglas places the metal rod on the table before he turns his eyes to a bowl next to him and holds up another metal rod wrapped in copper coil. "...Into a magnet. Now, it has power. Now, it has influence... over others." Douglas places a metal ball inside the bowl. He turns on the battery attached to the magnet and starts moving the magnet around the bowl, making the ball spin around the bowl and the ball's speed increases. 

Suddenly, Douglas starts suffering coughing fit as the students, including Liam, Liz and Hayden sitting next to each other, on the room are worried if he is fine. 

He stops for a moment but starts coughing again as he experiences a FLASHBACK of the time he was stuck in the glass, liquid-filled tube of the Dread Doctors' lair.

In the PRESENT TIME, Douglas keeps coughing and Hayden looks at her teacher with a frown of concern.

"Are you okay, Mr Douglas?" She expresses her concern. Douglas stops coughing and looks fine now before he addresses Hayden.

"Just a little cough," He replies like he didn't look like he was dying just a second ago. Douglas glances at the metal ball, still spinning at a slower pace before he turns to the class. "Where were we? Um... Right, now we have electricity and a little bit of power. Let's add a little more." Douglas increases the electricity from the battery. "After all, greater the power... greater the control."

Douglas once again experiences a FLASHBACK of the time he was still stuck in the Dread Doctors' lair tube. The alarm from the lair goes off.

The scene change back to PRESENT TIME where Douglas coughing becomes severe and he punches the table.

The scene cuts back to the FLASHBACK of the Dread Doctors' lair where Douglas is trying to break free from the tube by giving some punches.

In PRESENT TIME Douglas coughs more and more. The students all have a worried look, wondering if their teacher is sick. Douglas grabs his bottle of water and drinks some of it to ease his coughing. When he looks okay to continue the class, he turns to the class while Liam also makes a worried look and Liz a slightly frowned one. Douglas places his bottle of water on the table before he takes a steadying breath and keeps revealing more about the metal rod.

"Imagine how powerful this rod could become with unbalanced electricity. Say... from a lightning bolt? What else could we control?" Douglas continues his class again. The metal ball starts spinning around the bowl at great speed again but Douglas starts coughing once again. 

The scene cuts to the FLASHBACK of the time he burst out of the tube of the Dread Doctors' lair. His whole body's skin is saggy and he slowly removes the oxygen mask he has been wearing inside the tube and we can see the Pathologist and Geneticist's dead bodies after they were killed by the Beast.

In the PRESENT DAY, he coughs more and enters the storage room where he coughs even louder enough for the students to hear. Liam and Liz get up from their seats, going to see if their teacher is fine. 

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