special chapter: tzuyu's birthday

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Tzuyu's birthday was coming soon, yet Sana didn't know what to prepare.

Tzuyu wasn't the kind of girlfriend that needs those accessories like rings or earrings, and neither does she needs a lot of plush toys. She already had Minjoong, and aside from that, Sana never really heard that Tzuyu wants another plushie.

Sana felt helpless for the first time, and then she turned to get the help from God Jihyo.

"Tzuyu's birthday present?" Jihyo repeated Sana's question, when they were sitting in her father's cafe. "She doesn't need much though..."

"That's why I'm asking!" Sana ran her fingers through her hair, tempting to pull her hair out but decided not to, not without a sigh.

Jihyo fell silent as she thought hard. What does Tzuyu need? Or want to have? The younger girl seemed to be have nothing in her wish list...

"Ah, I suppose you can make something to her," Jihyo said, snapping her fingers as the idea came to her.

"Make something? Make what?" Sana asked. She wasn't really a handcraft-person, yet Jihyo was asking her to make something?

Oh...wait...it couldn't be-

Sana's cheeks turned bright red as she thought of something. There was no way Jihyo was really talking about that, right?

Jihyo was amused, looking at Sana's dramatic expression from a confused expression, then to a realization, then to a blushing mess.

"Sana, it's not what's going on in your mind. Our Tzuyu is still innocent and nope, it's not what you're thinking, pervert," Jihyo said, casually leaning back on her chair while smirking at Sana.

"My god, Jihyo! You didn't even say it properly, it's only natural when I thought of that!" Sana said, a little annoyed at her best friend.

"Well, I guess a part of it is my fault? Anyways, listen up. We vampires, give a small little bottle of our blood to our loved ones, who's also a vampire, to strengthen their energy and skills, somewhat magical. They call it the blood potion, seeing as the magic of love in their lover's blood to be useful for their energy," Jihyo explained, but then frowned. "Actually, to be honest, I'm not quite sure what are the effects, but you could try it out on Tzuyu and ask her what she felt?"

"Doesn't it matter because I'm a human? Don't this work only for like, the couples both are vampires?" Sana asked, confused.

"I guess it doesn't, as they say, this is the magic of love, though I must say, how come vampires are this romantic? Anyways, you would require a special bottle which is unbreakable, and I know where to get it. Meet me tomorrow at eleven in the morning, my house?" Jihyo suggested. "This bottle is only the size of a small section of the index finger."

Sana nodded, relieved to finally have a present for Tzuyu's birthday. "Sure, I'll meet you then!"

The next day Sana was in a clinical room in Jihyo's house, where she claimed to be her mom's private vampire clinic when she wasn't out working for the clinic located in the city center.

"We'll need to get a little of your blood into this bottle," Jihyo showed her the bottle, its size small as how Jihyo had described. "Um, you're afraid of needles, right?" Jihyo asked, concerned.

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