ONE; something of a beginning

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Though I live with my boyfriend of two years, Axel, I visit my brother's shared house frequently. Cameron, aka GoodGuyFitz, lives with Zuckles (Mason), Swaggersouls (Eric), McCreamy (Jay), and iNoToRiOuS (Matt), and has for about as long as I've lived with Axel - just less than a year.

And now, for whatever reason, while I was sitting on the kitchen counter of the Misfits house, drinking a glass of bourbon, I remembered the confusion Eric had when he met me. This was about 3 years ago. I had been sitting in my brother Cameron's recording room for YouTube, playing CS:GO on his second monitor next to him. He gave me a headset, which I still have, and was using it in their discord server to talk to his friends.

At the start of the recording session, I hadn't said anything. "Fitz, who is this bleedin.meep in our party? They literally haven't said a word all game, and their kills are higher than everyone else here," John asked. He goes by Kryoz in-game, just to save any confusion in our conversations.

"Oh, that's Angel," Cameron said, then glanced at me. "You can talk to them, you know. They're not gonna bite. Well, maybe Swagger will, but-"

"Hey!" Swagger, aka Eric, interrupted, and most of the guys laughed. I smiled a little.

"C'mon, you literally have a microphone for a reason, use it," Cameron nudged me with his elbow and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and decided to say hi.

"Fine, I'll use the damn mic," I said. Gasps and what the fucks flew through the discord when I spoke. "Hi, I'm Angel, aka bleedin.meep. Happy, Cam?"

He was laughing at his friends' reactions to me. "Yes, actually. Thank you."

"Hold on, hold on, hold on," Eric said. "We're not just gonna gloss over the fact that one, Fitz is with a girl, and two, she's kicking all of our asses right now. Are we?"

"Yeah, Fitz, since when do you know any girls?" John asked, earning a laugh from Smii7y/Jaren and myself.

"Hey, what the fuck, guys? I know plenty of girls," Cam defended, still making me laugh.

"Oh yeah, name 5 girls that you know other than her," Eric demanded. Cam hesitated for comedic purpose, making everyone laugh. "But seriously, Fitz. How long have you two been together,"

"Whoa wait- hold on-" I stammered while laughing at his confusion.

"No no no, Swagger, it's not like that. Not at all. What the fuck, dude?" Cam was laughing too.

"Swagger, I'm his twin sister, you dumbass," I said, hearing a scream from Eric and laughs from everyone else.

I chuckled at the memory, setting down the glass with melting ice back down on the counter by the sink. I jumped down as Cameron walked in the room. "What's so funny, A?"

"Eh, it's nothing," I answered, smiling to myself. I walked up to my much taller brother as he opened the refrigerator. He was older by just a few minutes but taller than me by a foot - him at 6 foot 5, me at 5 foot 5. At least Eric could feel taller, though he's still only 5 foot 8, and very short compared to my brother.

"Damn, there's not much food in here," Cam acknowledged, looking at the shell of a fridge. "Want to go get some food with me?"

"Hell yeah, I'm starving," Eric said, running down the stairs without his helmet or jacket on. He had his black Misfits hoodie in one hand and his phone in the other. "I just called an Uber to DQ, you guys wanna come?"

"You're a saint, Eric," I told him. I grabbed my keys, just in case we got locked out, and slipped into my slides. Cam and I followed Eric outside and into the Uber, which took us to the closest Dairy Queen.

We ate our food there, then ordered what Jay, Matt, and Mason wanted, then Cam called an Uber to take us home. I took the bags of food around the house to the other boys, who were all gaming, of course. My phone buzzed hust as I sat on the couch next to Cam, who was between me and Eric.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to find a new text from Axel.

<  Axel❤  |   4G   76%  1:29 PM

come home. now.

<   ○   □

I sighed in annoyance. I hated how demanding Axel had gotten with me the past few months. Ever since I moved in with him, he's always, "Where are you? Who are you with? Come home right now," even though he knows damn well that I'm at my brother's place with me and Cam's friends and that I'm perfectly fine.

"What's wrong?" Cameron asked, hearing my obvious annoyance as I stood up off the couch. I shook my head and grabbed my keys off the coffee table Cam's feet were on.

"Axel," I heard Eric mutter something to himself with an eyeroll after I said the name. "He wants me home. Now."

Cameron stood and walked with me to the door. "You've got to stop giving into that shit, Angel. If you don't want to go home, you don't have to. You can stay here, you know."

"He doesn't like when I'm here, Cam," I told him honestly. I lowered my voice as Eric walked to the kitchen. "He says he doesn't like me being around so many guys without him."

Cam lowered his voice too and looked down at me. "That's fuckin' stupid, though. He knows you're with me, and besides, you two have been together a long time now. Shouldn't he trust you?"

I glanced behind Cameron and saw Eric not-so-discretely listening in from the kitchen. "Just drop it, Cam. I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later on discord. See ya," I patted his shoulder as a goodbye and walked out the door to my car. It was nothing special, but it got me places. I drove off in the afternoon sun, leaving Cameron standing at the open door, secretly hoping I dumped Axel's ass.

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