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"Clo, I made a mistake. I messed up. Im truly sorry!" Nathan said holding my hand across the table. The words 'Im Sorry' keeps going on my mind. I keep telling myself that his words will never get anything back to the way it is.

I told him yes that Ill come to the diner and hear him out. Well now I'm here listening to all the shits he's saying. I cant even take it anymore, Im fucking tired with all the lies. The waitress came at our table and set the beer and milkshake he ordered. She look at me with a confused look and right away she knows whats happening. I take my hand on his and take a sip on the milkshake. God, I should marry this milkshake now.

"Cloe? Are you listening to me?" He said.

"Eh, go on asshole. I am listening." I roll my eyes at him, he just shrug.

"As I was saying, babe, please come back to me. I miss you so much!" What a jerk, claps for you Nathan. I let out a deep sigh.

"You know what Nate, Im so tired with all this bullshit okay. Im so tired I want to hang myself. i can't even forgive on what you did to me. I fucking love you, I gave you everything and then Im just gonna see you fucking another girl, wow Nate just wow." I said to him in an irritated tone.

He was about to say something but I talk again. "Since when are you fucking this girl huh, Nathan? Oh my god, what the fuck am I even thinking. Im so blind. God, did you even love me? Im guessing you just fake it." He just gave me a 'what' face. People are looking at us now, I really don't care.

"Would you calm down Cloe, you're making a scene." Now he wants me to calm down, I want to slap him so hard I wont regret it. "Please just hear me out and let me explain."

"God, shut up Nathan." I got up on my sit but he grasp my arm. "Im so done here, fuck you and your new girl Nathan." I let go of his arm and by that, I storm off the diner. I should've throw the milkshake at him. dammit.

I get my car keys and my phone in my pocket. I texted Sophie "SOS" and she responds with a quick "I'll be there in your house in 5." I start the engine and drove off.

"Dammit, I'm so stupid!" I shout in the car and notice that Im crying.

"Why the fuck am I crying, God. Now I look ugly." I laugh at myself. Why am I even talking to myself. I ignore it and just keep on driving.


When I arrived at my house I notice the two cars parked in front. Must be the neighbors' car. I get off the car and ignored it. Once I was about to open my door, Sophie came out of it.

"Oh gosh, you scared the shit out of me! Since when did you get a spare key to my house?!" I said going straight in the sofa.

"I don't have one, I just found it under the pot outside. You're one very clever when it comes to hiding the keys love." I gave her a sarcasm laugh.

"So SOS, what happened with the talk with Mr. Asshole?" Sophie said sitting beside me.

I didn't even talk, I just burst out into tears in front of here and I swear I saw her she's about to cry too. She stands up and starts to hug me and rubs my back telling me its gonna be okay.

"There, there my love. You don't need that asshole. I know what you've been thru Cloe, I was there with you. And Im sorry that he done that to you. He doesn't even deserve you. You deserve much better than him. I swear to god, If i see that asshole I'm gonna punch him in the throat I'm not kidding Clo!" I giggle at what she just said. She hand me a napkin and I take it.

"Aww you giggle." I just smile at her.

She notice me that Ive been staring at a picture, ours, Nathan and me. I stand up and go to the shelf to get the frame. I throw the frame on the wall so hard, Sophie startled at my action.

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