Chapter One.

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Funneh's Point Of View

I and Gold were walking around the hallways, there was Felicia flirting with guys.

"Don't you ever wonder what it's like to be Felicia?" I stuck out my tongue at what Gold had said.

"Nope, she's weird." She looks at me.
"We're also weird though?" We stopped at my locker and I got my textbook for Art Class.

"Did you hear? There's a new teacher and I heard he's young AND hot." I hear a few girls whisper to each other.

I didn't mind since this always happens in High Schools right?
"Come on, Funneh we'll be late." I nodded and we headed to Art Class.

We enter the room and sat down on the stools that had a canvas infront.

A tall guy wearing a white polo, dark blue pants, and black leather shoes enters the room.

"Hello Students." He waves and smiles. The girls faint over his charming smile.

"I'm Edgar Viche, I'll be your Social Practice Class." I rose my hand and the girls gave me a death glare.

"Yes?" He points at me, "Is there any way to switch classes?" He gave a
disappointing face, he was sad that I was thinking of switching.

Gold slapped me on the face, "Don't make him feel bad." She whispers.

"Oh yeah...Just go to the STUDENT SERVICE OFFICE and they'll give you an summary of available classes." He pretends to smile, "Okay, well, my brother asked me before going to this class. He doesn't like his Clothe Design Class." He nods and turns to Gold.

"Okay, any more questions?" He asks; a few girls raise their hands.

"You." He points at a girl with dark hair and a flower crown.

"How old are you?" She drools, "I'm twenty actually, I'm glad they accept young teachers." He scratches the back of his hear.

Gold raises her hand and Mr. Edgar points at her, "Will we learn how to gain more likes on Instagram?" She jokes.

"Yes actually. Ms. Desu's aim is to have an equal reputation for all of the students of YH." We all nodded, "Okay, I know First days aren't supporse to include Assignments, but I want to challenge you. We will test on how many people pay attention to your feed, based on your amount of likes in your posts. Please calculate it, I will be checking if you calculation is right." He takes his whiteboard marker from the storage closet, I took out my textbook and wrote it down.

'Homework, Must calculate the amount of likes and comments on your social media posts. Highest will achieve points'

The intercom buzzes on and we pay attention, "Good Morning Fellow Students of YH! We will be having an assembly at the school GYM. Fall in line." Ms. Desu talks, she buzzes off the intercom and Mr. Edgar gestured us to fall in line by height.

I was a few feet higher than Gold so I was behind her, we went upstairs which the where the GYM was.

Some classes had already sitted on the bleachers, we sat at the side bleachers which had a good view.

Everything became quiet when Ms. Desu enters the room.

"Hello and greetings! You must know already, but I am Carolina Desu. The principal of the school." We all clapped, "Okay, settle down." We stopped clapping.

"Now, last year, you didn't like the idea of wearing uniforms. This year, we'd have red plaid blazers, black neck tie, black skirts! And of course the pants are for boys." She grins.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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