Chapter 3 - Cersei Lannister

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Petyr Baelysh stood infront of me with an amused smirk. I gave a small curtsy.

"My lord, it has been too long"

"I agree, and let me say my dear you have grown in both beauty and grace"

I tried to suppress a shudder as he bent down and placed a kiss on my hand.

"We'll my dear, I must be off but you will be escorted to the throne room soon, good day"

"Good day my lord"

I sighed in relief as he walked off,little finger had always seemed untrustworthy to me, even when I was younger.

"Lady Frey?"

Two guards were standing behind me in gold armor, they bowed and I curtsied in return."we're here to escort you to the queens private chambers my lady"

I looked around at my fathers guards who had escorted me here and shrugged, they didn't seen to care about me since they had already started making their way to the whore house.

I nodded to the guards and they lead on through a small door to the side of the courtyard.

I lost count of the doors and hallways we passed through. We finally stopped in what seemed to be the very centre of the magnificent building outside a pair of golden double doors.

The Gaurds knocked and opened the door for me, I looked behind me at the hallway and took a deep breath before I entered the den of the mother lioness.

There she was, Cersei lannister. Seated at a small round table on the balcony of her chambers. She turned around when she heard me enter, her golden hair rustling softly in the ocean breeze.

"Clara darling, you are truly the image if your mother. Come here dove"

I cautiously walked over onto the balcony, I curtsied before taking a seat.

I felt so tense sitting in front of her, as a child I had witnessed the way she had treated my play mate, and her sister Alexa.

"You're probably wondering why we are meeting here instead of the throne room, it's my son you see, he likes to chase things he can't have and it tends to end badly for the girl"

I had few memories of Joffrey, I had never liked him and I heard stories around the twins of the horrible things he liked to do to people.

"You will have your own chambers as well as a new wardrobe of southern dresses"

"Your grace, thank you"

"My dear, I would like to tell you the reason you are here. The reason I married The deceased king was for an alliance, now a new alliance is needed. You have both Frey and Martell blood which makes you a very useful chess piece in the game of thrones. A war is coming my dear, I have two sons. One is our dear king and the other is my Tommen, he is younger than you, but only by a few years."

"Please pardon me your grace but I don't understand"

"Oh child, don't be stupid, I can see you're not. You are to marry my son so we may form alliances with the north and south"

"Your grace, I have never met my southern family"
She looked at me with a clever smirk, you could see her thoughts forming in her head.

"This will all be explained at dinner my dear"

I Sensed that this was my signal to leave so i carefully got up and curtsied. Outside in the hall where previously the gaurds had been standing was a gorgeous dornish girl.

when she saw me she squeeked and pulled me into a tight hug, i stood there stiff and confused which she seemed to sense as she took a step backwards with a confused look on her face.

"Clara, don't you remember me?"

"I'm sorry i don't believe i do"

"My Name's Amira, We're cousins, you're mother was my aunt."

Now i remembered. When i was three years old a few of my mother's relatives, including her sister and her children, had come to the twins. I only remembered Amira as i tiny little toddler with a head of bouncing black curls.Now she had grown into a woman, she was tall and slender, she had the trademark Dark eyes, hair and olive skin of the people of Dorne. She was dressed in a pale pink chiffon dress in the style of the far south and her hair was hanging loose around her shoulders.

"I remember you now, i'm so sorry, we were only young when we met and so much has happened since then"

"It's alright, i am to be your lady in waiting. Of course you will have hand maidens but i am more of a companion as such"

She smiled at me and offered for me to take her hand as we started to walk down the hall.

"Surely you did not come to King's Landing just to be one of my Ladies?"

"No my dear, i am hear with our cousin, Oberyn. He has arrived to marry the cub lioness and he chose me to accompany him"

"And when you return to Dorne i will get a new 'companion'?"

"I'm sorry my Northern Viper, i can  say no more, this is to be explained tongiht at dinner"

I hated how mysterious everyone was being, it frustrated me. I had left my home to come to a place i had only been to once in my life and  yet i hadn't gotten a straight answer out of anyone

After walking through several corridor we arrived at my room. As we stepped inside, Amira started to chatter.

"I'll leave you alone for a bit now until later when i'll come and help you get ready for the feast, my room is just down the hall if you need anything"

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and skipped out the door. My room was more than i had ever expected, in the centre of the room was a grand four poster bed with embroidered blankets of Martell orange and red. On the other side of the room was a writing desk and changing screen and to my delight the room also included a small balcony.

I stepped out onto the terracota tiled balcony and looked out over the see, below me i could see elaborate gardens in full bloom and lords and ladies taking their afternoon stroll.

I took a deep breath of sea air and sighed, this was a day i would never forget.

I'm sorry this chapter was a bit rushed.

(i do not own the cub lioness, she belongs to @RosellaStark)

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