Chapter 22 - Belonging

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Hello Everyone

This chapter is a bit shorter but i wanted it to be short and sweet. I realise that i'e been a bit slack with updating but now i am on my summer/christmas holidays so hopefully i'll have more time to write!!!

(yay now more school <3 )

I would like to dedicate this chapter to @Rosellastark because i know she's been having some trouble feeling motivated to write and i want every single one of you to go and read all of her amazing work, it's because of her that i started this story and without her i probably wouldn't have joined the amazing wattpad community!!!!!

(also you all should also go chekc out @Arden_Rose's new story Winter is Coming)

Now go my lovelies and show them some love <3 <3

“For the eyes of Lady Clara,

And Lady Clara only.

Daughter, I will bless your marriage but none of your northern family shall attend the wedding celebrations. You have dishonored your northern heritage and by doing this also denounce your family, if you return to us you will not be welcomed.

However, your mother would be proud


Lord Walder Frey”

As I gasped I felt like I had gulped in water and my heart had fluttered to a halt

“What’s the matter?” Amira gazed up at me from her embroidery

“My father has disowned me” My voice was lost behind the ringing voice in my ears and before I knew it I had fallen to the floor, off of the small raised pedestal that I had been standing on. The princess had arranged for a seamstress to make me a wedding dress when a servant had arrived with the letter.


The cold of the marble felt soothing and almost masked the throbbing pain of where I had hit my head. Amira was screaming at the top of his lungs and soon there were loud running footsteps and large hands on my face.

“Clara my love, can you hear me”

Julien, he had pulled me onto his lap and I curled up into a tight ball, he sighed in relief and I felt his chest rise and fall beneath me.

“She’s alright; I’ll take her to her room. Maybe you can do the dress another day”

“Of course”

I felt hig arms tighten around me and I curled even closer to his muscular chest.

“shhh” his hand stroked my cheek gently and his lips tenderly kissed my nose. I didn’t want to open my eyes, than I would have to face the harsh reality that I didn’t belong.

He had taken me to my room where he carefully lay me down on the bed

“My love, what’s wrong?”

I sighed and sat up carefully, I could almost imagine my father’s taunting laugh if he had seen me like this. If he taught me anything than it was that at times the only thing that matters is that others see that you are strong, no matter what you feel inside.

Julien was staring at me with a concerned frown and my heart broke.

“My love, I received a letter from my father. He has approved of the marriage but…”

For a second his eyes brightened and his beautiful smile illuminated the room, reaching out my hand I gently stroked his cheek and his face fell when he saw the tears welling up in my eyes.

“He has disowned me, I no longer belong to the north and unless I am Recognized as a Martell, I will be worth nothing….”

He had always understood me; he had spent his whole life as nothing so now he knew my fear. I barely felt his arms around me until I was curled up tightly in his side

“We will talk to the prince, we’ll do all it takes and I’m sure the princess will approve”

“But they may not approve of our marriage. IT wasn’t their concern before but now if they do Recognize me as a full Martell than they will want to marry me strategically”

Sobs had once again started to shudder through my body so Julien pulled me closer and pressed his lips to my forehead soothingly.

“We will find a way, I promised you that I would never leave your side and so I will stand with you. We must go to the prince immediately, so he can hear your plea”

In this moment I didn’t know if I would be able to contain my love for him, he saw me as the person I wanted to be. Even though I hadn’t said anything he knew I was trying to be strong so he wasn’t cushioning my fall, he was helping me to shine.


He used his finger to wipe my cheeks clean from tears and I gave him a small smile.

“That’s my brave girl”

He helped me off the bed and tried his best at attempting to arrange my hair, the poor thing didn’t do a very good job but I knew that he was trying his best so I left it.

We walked together, hand in hand towards the throne room where the man who would decide my future waited for me.

Sooner than I would have hoped we were standing in front of the intimidatingly large golden doors. Julien smoothed my hair behind my hair and kissed me tenderly


I grasped his hand and we turned to face the doors together.


 Hope you guys liked it :)

i promise there's more coming soon

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