flower boy <3

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Tyler sat on Melanie's bed waiting for her to finish her makeup and for Ashley to come over. "You have to let me do your makeup soon"
"Mel you always do my makeup"
"I mean for school, it would look so cute!"
"No, people already think I'm weird, they would judge and talk about me."
"Let them judge! Let them talk about you, I know you're perfect and amazing, they should too. If they can't accept that you're a guy who likes makeup which isn't even a problem then they can fuck off."

Tyler knew he should listen to Melanie, try new things and be bolder but part of him still screamed at him, he always cares what people think, he just tried to act like he didn't.

"I'm here bitches!" Ashley walked in with a picnic basket and blanket, it was Sunday and they ALWAYS had picnics in Sundays. Ashley and Melanie both had flowers in their hair, making Tyler wish he could too, but he knew people would see and he didn't want that.
12:40, BY THE RIVER.
They set the picnic up right next to the river, it was quiet but you could still see cars, and people going about their daily life. Where they sat was surrounded by the most beautiful flowers which made the area look like their own little wonderland, at least that's what Tyler thought it was like, he didn't mention it to Ashley or Melanie, they probably thought he was strange enough already.
"Hey look, a new movers van" Ashley pointed out whilst everyone was quiet, Melanie had been writing and Tyler has been daydreaming. "Wonder where they're moving, looks like they're going to your street Ty" Tyler wasn't bothered , it would just be another judgemental teenage girl or a sport obsessed jerk who's idea of fun was making self conscious teens even more self conscious.
"Anyway, whoever it is I hope they're cute" Ashley added after no reply from Melanie nor Tyler.
"Of course you'd think that!" Melanie giggled.
A couple minutes later while they were all distracted with whatever they were doing at that moment in time they saw someone they had never seen before.
He was adorable and had the most beautiful eyes Tyler had ever seen. He realised he was staring so quickly looked away and picked up his phone.
"Hey that guy is walking over" Melanie said causing Tyler to panic(! At The Disco(sorry i had to)) did he see me staring?
"hi sorry to bother you, do you go to panmac high?"
Tyler was staring, he couldn't help it, this guy was so cute.
"um yeah we do, I'm Tyler and this is Melanie and Ashley"
"Hey i'm Josh, it's really nice to meet you i just got here today."
"It's really nice to meet you too."
This time they were both staring at each other until they locked eyes and simultaneously blushed.
I won't fall for him.
I won't fall for him.
I won't fall for him.

flowers//joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now