Chapter Three: 'Lack Of Hospitality'

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Whilst Marg sat upon the leather armchair smoking to her heart's collapse, the kids continued harassing the horrified workers: Mug screeched a painful cry, Licka consumed the workers whole, Berg was fiercely soccer-punching the head staff till death did them part. "Capitalism, mmmmh," Marge croaked in the centre of the havoc, still spinning rapidly in her armchair. The rest of the room was just ringing with alarms and the sound of other numerous cacophonies of din. Police still nowhere to be seen, the tribe leader concluded the pillage was over, gathering her clan's people. "Mmmmh, illegal destruction."

"Bwuh-ha-ha-ha, the alarms are broken and the staff is dead!" Berg finally said, his first words of his evil existence of termination.

"Mmmh, Berg first word. SPEAK FASTER YOU TWO, YOU DESPICABLE SWINE!" Merg hollered at the younglings. Now embarrassed, the two followed Berg to the car, as he moonwalked smugly past the burning confines of the clinic. All in the red family waggon, they set off - the engine booming. "Mmmmh," Margaret moaned malevolently, "... mmmmh," she continued, this time a bit louder, "Why is this ride taking so long... HURRY UP!" Viciously clobbering the steering wheel with her intense strength, the car vibrated and sobbed for a moment before speeding past light speed. Just like that, they were home. All they needed now was Herm to be finally resurrected to his immortal state. So, they needed candles and a sacrifice. "BABY!" Merg screamed, grabbing Mag by the shoulder and tossing her in the centre of the lounge. "Mmmmmh, CANDLES! Berg, get the candles from the store immediately, mmmmh!"

"Gotcha, muh-huh-huh-ha-ha!" The boy replied, enthused for the mission. Rushing through the door, he set off.

"YOU!" Mergerth shouted, simultaneously pointing to and spinning towards Lickar, giving a deadly glare. "SIT ON THE COUCH!" She said Americanly - throwing her face down onto the furniture. Eyes wide, Licker smiled, happy to help.

It was coming together nicely.

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