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Not going to lie he's a true cutie, and I love the simple matching background color.

 points USER NAME

It's really cute, simple, and aesthetic I love anything related to the sky whether it's the sun, moon, or stars lol.

10 points DISPLAY NAME

Hmm I like it, but maybe if the sun emoji was there it would fall in place nonetheless it's your opinion.

 points  ﹘BIO

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 points BIO

It's a little long for my liking, but I love the about you part, maybe if the introduction was a little shorter or just a cute little quote.

 points LOCATION / LINK

Uwu your location is so freaking cute, plus that's my favorite emoji I've been using.


They match along with your color scheme, and I love the short, and sweet descriptions of them along with the stars

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They match along with your color scheme, and I love the short, and sweet descriptions of them along with the stars.

 points READING LIST

The titles for them are really cute, and fluffy lol

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The titles for them are really cute, and fluffy lol. Once again I love the stars, and the whip like symbol.

TOTAL - 125 / 130

Overall your account is so cute, and might I say precious. I aspire to be as cute like you 💕

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