Roses and Daffodils

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"Do you like roses?" Nathan asks his twin, Nico. As they sat on the grass near a bush, the sun kissed their skin. Nathan and Nico both have a tan, their mother always saying it reminded her of caramel.

Well, if Nathan could get candy from his skin, he'd have no body left. He loves candy, especially caramel.

Nico doesn't, though. They both have blonde, curly hair that reaches their ears, dark green eyes, and they are both the same height, yet Nico doesn't like Caramel. They have so much in common, why couldn't Nico like caramel as well?

Anyways, today's their birthday! They are both turning nine, which makes Nathan and Nico both very happy. They'd gotten a bicycle from their mother, and they both like it, but Nathan always wishes that his father would return instead.

Their father had left them to sail the world, but never did he return. That was two years ago, and Nathan still misses him. How could he not?

"I do, do you, too?" Nico asked as he looked around. The grass they were sitting on was very green, causing their eye color to brighten. He loved the bushes around the field, shielding their garden from the outside world. 

'No. I mean, I do, but they hurt," Nathan pouted. "Every time I try to grab one, it hurts my fingertips."

Nico laughed. "But have you smelled them? They are so sweet."

Nathan looked at him with curiosity. "No, I haven't smelled them. Daffodils are my favorite," Nathan mentioned, changing the flower.

"Daffodils? I don't know, I find them ugly," Nico said, giving his opinion doubtfully to his twin.

Nathan looked up and giggled. "How can you not like daffodils? They are so bright! They remind me of the summer, and they smell sweet, too."

Nico shrugged but grinned happily. "I like roses the way you like daffodils, but we can buy some daffodils and roses? You smell my flower, and I smell yours- oh! We can-"

"Give them to each other!" They both said at the same time.

"That is a great present!" Nathan said enthusiastic, and Nico nodded with anticipation.


Summer was coming, and the flowers started growing, showing the world their lovely colors. As Nathan and Nico made their way to the shop, they talked about how they'd take care of their present they'd give to one another.

It turns out that Nathan would put his rose in a cup of water, and Nico would put it in a vase. Nathan believed that a vase should be used for more flowers than one, and Nico believed a cup should be used for drinking- not for flowers. Both couldn't convince the other to use their chosen item.

They each had gotten five dollars from their mother, and they giggled when they entered the flower shop, each in search for their favorite flower and making sure the flowers weren't expensive.

"I found it!" Nathan said.

"Me, too!" Nico answered back.

"Show me!" Their happy voices, both saying it at once, echoed through the shop.

'How much is yours?" Nico asked as he placed himself next to Nathan, looking at his flower. "Mine is $3.50."

Nathan looked at the sticker in front of the Daffodils. '$3.60.'

"Wow. Expensive."

"Nico, your rose is only ten cents cheaper."

"True," he giggled and started counting the leftovers of his money as soon as they paid for their flower.

"How much do you got left?" Nico asked as he looked down on his hand, holding $1.50.

"$1.40, why?"

"We can maybe buy some candy! We can tell mommy that the flowers were a total of 10 dollars," Nico proposed.

Nathan grinned. "I like that. Let's buy a chocolate bar! We have $2,90."

"Huh? Don't we have $2.80?"

Nathan chuckled. "No, we have $2.90, Nico. Milk?"

"Yes, milk chocolate," Nico answered, and once they bought the chocolate bar, giggling at the fact they treated themselves, they sat down near a lake to eat the chocolate.

Their little hands broke the chocolate in half, sharing the bar. The sun was melting the chocolate rather quickly in their hands, so they worked the chocolate inside in s hury.

As they were full and satisfied, they headed home. All giddy by the action they had taken on their new bicycle, they headed inside.

"Wait," Nathan whispered, stopping Nico. "Will we tell mommy?"

"About the chocolate?' Nico whispered, his eyes big.

Nathan nodded. "Yes?"

Nico shook his head and hid his giggle behind his hand. "No!"

Nathan's chuckle followed before they calmed down. "Mom! We are home, look! I bought a daffodil!"

"And I bought a rose!" Nico added happily.

They both ran to their mother, showing her their assets.

"Ah, such beautiful flowers, darlings. Could you find the shop? Did you have enough money?" She asked as she patted the boy's hair.

They looked at each other and giggled. "The flowers were ten dollars, mommy," he pouted- or at least trying to convince his mother that he was sad about the lie.

'Is that so?' Amusingly, she asked.

They both nodded eagerly while there was chocolate on the corners of their mouth and fingers.

"Yes, we have nothing left," they said in a choir.

She laughed. "I see. What about the chocolate?"

Their heads fell down, looking at their hands before their cheeks flushed.

"It was his idea!" They pointed at each other.

"Not true!" They said, and their mother laughed.

"It is okay. You are already nine years old. Let's eat some pie to celebrate that,' she smiled and walked towards the kitchen, two bright, proud twins following her.


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