Chapter 2: Global Positioning Shitter

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It could be said that Kenny's truck didn't exactly look like a car. It seemed like a dirty warthog that had its run through the mud way too many times. There were little gashes all along the sides and dents that stuck out in all directions. Kenny had hazardously tried to cover it all up with cheap camo duct tape that would fall off at one point or another. Half of them were from his own horrid driving skills while the others were sported from enemies he had and drive-by's he never caught. As I clamored into the driver's seat, it creaked and sharply tilted back leaving me to smack my head on the hard headrest. Kenny laughed as he shook the whole vehicle hopping in like a giddy child riding shotgun for the first time. In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if he was fully willing to carry a firearm while sitting there.

By routine, I adjusted the seat and the mirrors before getting ready to turn the keys, only Kenny slapped my hand away. I glared at him, but he only nodded his head matter of factly like he was about to drop the answer to the meaning of life (hint: it's 42).

"Alright, runt. Time for a crash course in how to drive. You don't really need to know any of the letters except for P for park, D for drive, and R for reverse. I've never used the other ones in the last 40 years I've been driving," he stated. I was amazed that he was still alive. No matter how much I say it, it's a damn near miracle that Kenny keeps trooping like this. But, I could drive just fine. I didn't need him breathing down my neck at any given moment.

"I get it," I snarled. "Just let me drive." Sometimes, it seemed like karma really struck the wrong person. Almost immediately, I jerked the truck forward nearly smashing into the garage.

"Oh, so you know how to drive, huh?" Kenny mocked. I said nothing and just pulled back into reverse correctly now. I kept a close eye on everything around me. I paid extra care to other cars around me, speed limits, signs, lights, and all the other rules along the road. For the most part, everything went fairly smoothly minus the strange banging the truck seemed to have every time we hit even the slightest bump or incline. It sounded like a food processor when we went over railroad tracks. On the more unpleasant side, Kenny was an endless drone of rights and lefts. He didn't seem too interested anymore, but as we reached the edge of town I began to turn around when Kenny sat up straighter.

"Take Center Avenue staying in the right lane," he said. I raised a brow.

"What? But, that's not the direction of the house," I retorted.

"A little deviation doesn't hurt anybody. Besides, you wanna know the ins and outs when you drive so a little bit off the main roads does you plenty of good. It's late anyway. You won't meet any ratty bastards out there," he replied.

"Already did." That earned me a light smack on the chest, but Kenny was grinning again. I sighed and followed his instructions against my better judgment. "Alright, how far do I go?"

"Just keep going until you see a little ramp off the side." I soon saw the ramp only to realize it was right next to a very steep long slope.

"Kenny," I wearily called out. Cackling erupted next to me and I glanced overseeing him grow much too excited.

"Time to speed up, Levi! We're going up to 65!" he shouted.

"Are you kidding me?! Did you just take me to a highway?" I saw the 65 sign and knew he was truthful for now only I had never been anywhere near any type of highway or freeway. To be blunt, I didn't know when to stop. I was not used to my surroundings moving so quickly. My frame of reference was no longer there. Heck, nothing was here except other cars that were going equally fast. Only, they seemed to be slower than him.

"Okay, Levi. Um, you're going a little too fast here. Brake a little bit. Ease up on the pedal and then brake. I panicked a little and stepped down on the brake a little too quickly. There was a sudden screeching and all of sudden it sounded like an empty metal can was bouncing around the engine. The truck jumped a little and sputtered yet continued to speed off. The speedometer was climbing without any sense of stopping. We were pushing ninety when sirens were beginning to sound in the distance.

"Shit! It's the fucking police," Kenny exclaimed through his teeth. I could tell he was stressed beyond hell. I couldn't let this get any worse than it already was. I had to get off the road.

"Kenny, how the hell do I pull over?!" I exasperatedly yelled. Kenny audibly groaned and pointed at my feet

"Oh my god, Levi. There's a brake pedal! Next to the gas is the fucking brake pedal!"

"Well, no shit, Sherlock. What do you think I'm trying to do? Newsflash, it's not working, Kenny!"


"It must have been that loud banging earlier. Oh my god, we're going to die."

"Hell no!" Kenny screamed. "Kuchel told me I gotta get you back by supper. Ain't nobody gonna be late for some tacos. You're coming with even if I gotta drag your spirit up from our makeshift grave. Bet it'd shock your mother for sure."

"KENNY," I spat. "Now is not the­- Oh god, we just hit something." There was a sudden pungent smell that spread through the whole truck. I gagged and coughed wanting nothing more than to get out of the car. "That was a skunk."

"No, it wasn't," Kenny denied, but the smell hit him out of nowhere as he hacked up a lung and a half. "Shit, you're right, kid. Pull over. We can finesse the officer once he gets out." Although I admired his determination to fight the police in the moment, the main issue was still apparent.

"I can't pull over, you idiot! The brake is fucking broken!"

"Oh right." Sometimes, I just wanted to punch Kenny to the goddamn moon and back. "Well then, let's- Shit, kid! Swerve right, swerve fucking right!" I couldn't even register what was happening when bright yellow lights filled my vision. I jerked the steering wheel and got the wind knocked out of me. There was a loud explosion that seemed to block out all other sounds like a void sinking deeper and deeper. There were so many lights around me blinking and melting into each other all in an array of reds, purple, and yellow blurs. Everything felt too hot and too cold all the same. Where was Kenny? Where was the truck? I tried to move curling my hand into a fist.

Only three fingers were there closing into the darkness.

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