A Trash Dump Bummer

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I don't Own Bnha Or Danny Phantom


"I think I was flying in the right direction," Danny Says Aloud looking down at a Garbage Dump that was a beach.

Is this really Dagobah, it looks nothing like the picture. From above Danny sees a green-haired guy Pulling Garbage through the sand? Mabey He knows where I am cause I feel like I have been tricked, Betrayed by the Dastardly Internet. I fly back to the entrance because Danny felt like it would be awkward to fly down directly on top of the guy. Danny floated down to the ground and shift back to human form and walked toward the green-haired guy.

I was walking over the Floor of garbage and sand towards him and he was trying to pull a Dishwasher?

"Hey dude" 

"EEP" he lets go of the Dishwasher as he jumped a bit he then slowly turns and sees me and puts his hand on his chest and starts to breathe in and out and gives a weak "Hello"

"Sup My name Danny, I just have a Question"

"Ok my name is Midoryia Izuku, what do you want to ask?" he asked turning his head slightly.

"Is this place Dagobah? On the Internet, it showed a pretty beautiful place but this is -" I stop trying to get the perfect word to describe.

"Garbage Heap?"

"Yeah sure"

"Yes, this is Dagobah, Sorry Danny-Kun"

"Dammit, ..." We stood in awkward silence.

"So, why are you pulling a dishwasher?"

He doesn't respond, but he pulls a piece of paper with a workout schedule

"Dude that for the next nine months, why are you working out like that?"

"My quirk Is inactive till my body had enough Muscle mass to you use" Midoryia replies Quickly.

"Dude that means you were probably around a bunch of Jackasses thinking you are Quirkless," Danny says Bluntly.

Midoryia's thoughts turned back to "Kacchan", but shakes his head.

"And I also want to be a Hero just like All Might" he replies Quietly.

"OH!"Danny Remeber the name exclaims loudly.

Midoryia turns toward Danny with a confused look at his outburst.

"You Mean the really Muscular Smiling guy, with the Bunny Ear Hair who probably wears to much yellow on a normal day" Danny states remembering him from his Tv Hero Highlights

"Yes, him" Midoryia almost look at Danny like he was Insane for not immediately Recognizing All might but he smiled instead at the Ridiculous Description because it was pretty Accurate.

As the two were talking off in the distance Midoryia hears a voice say " Hello Young Midor-". A Skeleton Exclaims just as the man turns noticing the Black-haired Blue-eyed boy that was standing Near his young Successor.

Danny Looks at the man up and down and Smiles and pulls out a hand "Hello Sir"

"Hello, and what is your Name?" the Skeleton asked.

"Daniel Fenton, but I prefer to be called Danny"

"An American" The Man Says and then replies with his own name "Toshinori Yagi" 

"Sir are you all right?" Danny asked 

"What do you mean" All Might Asked

"You have a Little Blood on your, well the Lower half of your face"

"Oh," All might be wiped with his face with his Handkerchief.

"Well, Midoryia I got to go see ya some other Time?"

"Oh Yeah sure" Midoryia slightly more Confident then he was when Danny first started talking to him.

"Then see you soon" Danny Shifted forms when he was far away from view and sent an Invisible Duplicate to keep an Eye on his New friend and Skeletor.

Danny Jumps into the air and his legs shifted to his Tail and he started to fly around to check out more sights before night falls.

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