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I don't Own Bnha or Danny Phantom / Not my Art Btw


"Thirteen Protect the Students" Aizawa shouts. He then yells at us not to move and puts on his goggles.

From the Purple Portal Miss a Man with Hands walks out and With him a Giant Black Humanoid Duck thing with its brain openly shown walks behind him.

"What about the Tresspass Sesnors," Yaoyorozu asks " They seem to have been shut off somehow"

"Evacuate," Aizawa Tells us, but Danny thinks "Lets Kick Some Ass"

"Thirteen I leave it to you," Aizawa says as he Jumps Down the Stairs Flying down them practically. Danny Seeing this Sent out a clone.

This Form was Muscular and wearing an Outfit Similar to him with some Minor Detail Changes His skin was blue, his eyes Crimson and his hair was lit in a White Fire that Illuminated the Area around him

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This Form was Muscular and wearing an Outfit Similar to him with some Minor Detail Changes His skin was blue, his eyes Crimson and his hair was lit in a White Fire that Illuminated the Area around him.

Danny Created the Clone AKA Dan and sent him down to help fight.

-<Danny Pov>-

Danny Turned around to Leave with the rest of the class when we were stopped by the Purple Mist as it erupted from the ground, and From the Portal, we heard a voice.

"Nice to meet you" Oh the Portal is Polite "We are the Leauge of Villans"

Danny couldn't stop himself He snorted. The top of the Portal Erupted Electric Yellow Eyes and Looked Down at him.

Its anger was heard in its voice, but it remained polite "It may be a bit Presumtuios of us, but we invited ourselves into the home of Heros, U. A High School"

Danny Flew turned invisible and Flew into the air and watched the worried faces of his classmates.

"I believe All Might Should have been here, has there Some Kind of Change"

Danny Turned Visible Behind the Mist just as Bakugo and Kirishima Jumped towards it. Danny Felt the sent a Blast of Ice towards it.

The Explosion was Massive as A white Shimmer was left of the Ice and Bakugo and Kirishima looked Triumphant.

"My Job is to Scatt-" he tried to say, but as he did a Green Blast Hit him in the back. Sending Him forward as Sent Tendrils of mist towards Everyone  "Scatter you all".

-<Dan Pov>-

Dan Had Flown Down in a Standing Position, landing at the bottom of the stairs just as he had seen Aizawa Jumping into the air Grabbing to People with his scarf and using them to change direction mid-flight and Drop Kick them.\

Dan Could Respect a Good Ass-Kicking.

Dan Turned Visible as he saw a Man with a Venus Flytrap for a head rush toward Aizawa and So Dan Sent a Pink Ectoblast toward the Head sending the man flying toward Another Villan.

This was Fun, Dan's Smirk was noticed by two Villans who promptly Broke for it. Dan Wouldn't let them get away that easily Pink Tendrils erupted from the Ground and Started to Grab Villans/Thugs and wrap around them Immobilising them.

Aizawa Punched a man-made of Rock with four arms and Noticed Dan Beating People Up.

"Danny I told everyone to Stay up there"

"I am not Danny" A deep voice the Made Aizawa Shiver Echoed through the USJ

"I am the Clone Dan Phantom, when I get Destroyed I will just Diseaper my Original is with the Class"

Aizawa was Momentairly Stunned but didn't Stop Fighting, because as much as didn't want to admit it Midoryia was right he doesn't do One vs All Fights.

Dan started beating another Villan in his grasp when suddenly Dan Turned to see a Muscular man with a Pug Face Rushing. Danny Took the Villan in his hand and held "Hey Bitch, Catch". The Villan was thrown across the room at the Pug Villan who when a hit got knocked over.

The Clone Didn't Want to admit it, but Fighting was so much fun so much MiS pLaCeD aGgReSsIoN It was nice so he didn't complain.

-<Danny Pov>-

Danny Flew Into the Sphere of Darkness now holding his friend and Found that the mist was like a human portal.

He had fallen on something metal, it was shaking, It was a boat Dammit.

Not even ten seconds later two people jumped on the boat as well.

Danny Prayed it wasn't a Villan, cause was going to feel bad about Yeeting them off the boat and into oblivion.

Luckily (for the Villans) it was Midoryia and Tsuyu.

They need to come up with a plan because Best Danny's Got is Punchng all the Villans till the Fall.

And that doesn't seem like a Smart plan right now.

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