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"Why was Etin here gway?" Evangeline asks as she plays with his hair, he shrugs his shoulder.

"He just wanted to bring some stuff back to me" He answered simply.

"I miss him Gway" Elizabeth cuddles into his side, he purses his lips and nods softly.

"I know you do" Evangeline lays down next to him and he hums playing with both of their hair, lulling them into sleep he goes to grab Elizabeth when the doorbell rings he huffs Jessica finally decided to show up, he opens the door and sees Ethan again.

"What do you want now?" He scoffs

"I want to talk about friday night" He pleads, Grayson knows they should probably talk about it but he wants to avoid the talk for as long as he can.

"Fine, just don't wake the twins up" he walks into the house, his eyes scanning the beige walls and smiles as the comforting smell fills his nose.

"Do you want me to help take them to bed?" Ethan offers Grayson nods and smiles.

"Please" Ethan lifts Elizabeth up and Grayson takes Evangeline they walk upstairs into the girls room and Ethan's eyes remember how it used to be filled with cots and baby toys, he smiles sadly. They walk back downstairs and sit in the couch in an awkward silence.

"Look about Friday i don't know what happened, but if i took everything too far i'm sorry i jus-" hes interrupted by a small chuckle

"Ethan did i tell you to stop? No i was fine with it, but it can't happen again and we both know why" Grayson adds and Ethan nods

"i agree, and i feel like we were both heated and in the moment and it would be best if it didn't happen again for the both of us" Ethan reasons making Grayson nod.

"Agreed" Grayson ends the conversation but something eats away at him, he's dying to know "did it feel as good for you as it did for me?" Ethan smirks

"Probably the best" They both chuckle, and smile.

"Least you've got something going for you Grant" Grayson retorts.

"okay offensive" Ethan jokes

"What's your grades?" Grayson teases making Ethan slap his shoulder.

"okay they might not be the best but they aren't the worst" Ethan defend himself, they start laughing until they're interrupted by the door opening and revealing Jessica, her smile turns into a frown and she scowls at Ethan.

"I'm gonna go, bye" He awkwardly removes himself from the room and his jeep is heard driving away, Jessica's eyes pierce Grayson's soul and he knows he's in some sort of trouble.

"He just came to bring me something" He runs upstairs before she can start yelling, he runs into his room and pretend to be asleep when she checks on him.

He knows he's probably in trouble for him even stepping foot on the property let alone in the house, everyone hates him for what he did. We were best friends if it's hard to believe we were close really close, we did everything together and he always had a thing for my sister not Jessica but my twins sister, Katie. She was a lot like me actually but completely different at the same time and she was pretty, really pretty i guess that's what drew Ethan to her, when they were 15 they started dating, he then started to block me out of his life, then when they were 17 he cheated on her for months on end with another girl, after that my sister came to me by then i was a heavy drug user, she wanted to feel no more pain, i hated seeing her in pain so i let her have some. One night she used without me near her she overdosed in the tree house out back, by the time we found her it was too late.

That's why everyone in my family doesn't like him, especially me because the boy he used to know was gone, my sister gone, my true best friend gone, he somehow killed two birds with one stone.

I guess that's why i'm like what i am now, a drug addict to escape from the harsh truth of reality.

I'm addicted to escaping.

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