Do I reveal myself?

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A/N so glad people are actually enjoying this 💕 lmk if you have any suggestions, thanks!

Colby's pov (😉)

      I was summoned. I was finally summoned!
I've been siting in this hell hole (quite literary) sense... actually  I don't know how long. Time is nothing down here.

      You see, demons are messed around with very often. No one understands the danger in communicating with us. Our job is to scare people into never summoning us again.

         However, Colby never had it in him. Every time he was summoned he wasn't ever able to scare anyone. He could freak people out with his black shadowy figure and dark eyes but every time they would play the board again.

The other demons made fun of him, mostly Brennan. He fears Brennan. But enough about other people, today is his day!
         "Good luck out there" Brennan said to Colby sweetly 
        "Aw thanks" Colby replied
        "Your gonna need it" Brennan laughed to his friends

     Colby just rolled his eyes and walked through the portal to the over world. He felt the tingling feeling all the demons talk about when they walk through. He closed his eyes and when he opened them he found himself in a closet.

     He opened the door and saw a bedroom painted pink. He expected to see a girl laying in the bed but he was greeted by a blonde hair boy sleeping peacefully. He sat down in a chair in the corner waiting for the boy to wake up.

    Eventually he did wake up and he turned into his shadow figure form. He was told to never let a human see his true form. He honestly looked just like a human when he was in his true form except he had wings he could tuck away.

      He would often just stand behind the boy. He walked down a set of stairs behind him making sure he was completely invisible. He learned his name was Sam from a boy with a man bun. He watched as Sam ate pancakes and he couldn't help but think he was cute when he ate. He would stuff his cheeks with the pancakes and he hummed while he ate.

Colby shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. He rolled his eyes at himself but as Sam went back upstairs and sat down in his bed Colby once again couldn't help but notice how adorable he was. He had eyes just like Colby did when he was alive, blue and deep.

"What is wrong with me" Colby said in a whisper.

Sams head shot up.

"H-hello?" Sam said fearfully

Fuck he heard me. Guess it's my time to reveal myself, or maybe not. Make a choice Colby, fast.


This is where I let you guys decide where the story goes! Should Colby reveal himself or not? Let me know in the comments!

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