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"Now leave me alone.. please. I need some time to myself.." His voice weak as he looked down at his lap, his vision hazy and blurred. His head pounded, the sound of his heart filled his ears as he felt himself being brough into a group hug. He didn't look up until he heard his door slam shut, he groaned, tears streamed down his face as he fell onto his knees. "Fucking idiot!" He punched his chest whimpering at the pain as he closed his eyes letting himself sob.

He stayed like that, sat on his floor crying his eyes out until he managed to calm down. He sat silent, his throat burning from all the crying. He pushed himself up, his legs shaking as he stumbled out to his balcony pulling the doors open. He bit his bottom lips climbing over the fencing that separated him from the drop. His shaky arms held onto the metal, taking a deep breath. He moved a foot forward just to be pulled back.

His body hit the floor beneath him, arms wrapped around him and a head on his shoulder. He knew whoever had saved him was crying.. but he daren't see who it was. His breathing still heavy as a voi e finally spoke, easily known as Midoriya.. Why did he of all people save him? He knew he was the kindest boy in the class.. but- why Midoriya..? "W-What were you thinking!" Denki just kept quiet, his gaze casting out in the horizon. "D-Denki..?" Hands were placed on his shoulders, forcing him to face the green haired boy. But he was still in a daze, unable to respond. "Denki, can you hear me!" The slightly taller boy shook his shoulders in attempt to gain his attention, but that's when his eyes started to roll.

His eyes struggling to stay open as he passed out, Midoriya panicked almost immediately and picked up the smaller boy. He looked around anxiously and rushed out of the dorm bringing the blonde to the common room placing him on the couch. Mina perked up immediately and rushed over to Deku who's hands were shaking. "Hey, hey.. okay, can you tell me what happened?" She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "D-Denki.. he h-he-.." Mina slowly nodded letting him speak. "He n-nearly.. he nearly j-jumped.." He muttered looking at the unconscious boy. "W-what if he d-does it again? W-we can't lose h-him! Mina, I-I'm scared!"

The pink haired girl nodded hugging the taller boy. "It's okay, we can all help him.. Well, I know we can!" She was silently doubting her own abilities but hoped they could help the electric boy. That's when a loud crash of thunder caused Deku to jump Mina smiling softly at him. "It's okay, it's onl-" A bright light of Lightening lit up the windows as Denki fell to the floor, his body spazzing slightly as his eyes opened. "Shit.. lightening too-" She accidentally cursed before helping Denki up from the floor sitting him on the couch.

Another flash of lightening crashed down as Denki jolted forward, a bolt of electricity hitting the wall from his hand. "Sorry! S-sorry, I didn't m-mean to!" He stammered holding his head in his hands. "It's okay, Denki, look. You're okay, we're here for you.. Can yo tell us why you nearly um..- you know.." Mina attempted to calm him, as the blonde boy shook his head. His hands shaking with electricity pulsing throughout his fingers. "I- um.. I just I-I don't know.. I just w-wanted everything t-to stop.. I'm tired of b-being alone.."

He paused, taking a deep breath. "I know I have you g-guys.. b-but.." He shook his head. "Nevermind, I'm going back to my room." He stood up, just to get Deku's hand on his arm pulling him back. "Please.. don't. We can't trust you to be alone for a while.." The blonde boy groaned before slowly nodding. "Fine.." He sat back on the couch, just to jolt forward once again. A sharp shock running through his veins. "Lightening affects you.. Are you okay?" Mina attempted to make conversation. "I'm fine.. what am I supposed to do if I can't be trusted to be alone? I can't have someone follow me around constantly like a dog on a lead." He muttered.

"You can share room with me!" Deku struggled smiling softly at him. "Plus we're only doing this for your safety." Denki sighed nodding. "Okay..? Well I'm fine with that, but could I atleast go to the gym to blow off some steam?" Deku and Mina hesitated as the blonde boy bit his bottom lip, he could feel a certain fabric about to slip off of his chest beneath his uniform. He needed to leave the room and quick, he needed to grab a spare binder from his dorm room as well. "Denki, you alright?" The green haired boy shook a hand infront of his face causing him to snap out of his thoughts slowly nodding. "Y-yeah.. I- I just gotta grab something from my dorm.. I'll be right back, I swear!"

That's when he bolted out of the room practically falling into the wall near the door as another electrical shock ran through him. He didn't stop until he entered his dorm falling to the floor, he pulled off the snapped binder throwing it aside. He sat on his knees, tears falling from his eyes as his breathing sped up slightly. His hands fumbled at his drawers until he found a spare binder. He threw off his jacket and undershirt, his hands shaking as he attached the binder over his chest, he took a deep breath crawling over to his drawers again. He fumbled around he contents of the drawer before pulling out a packaged syringe and a bottle of Testosterone.

He could hear footsteps in the hallway but he didn't care. He struggled with the packaging before pulling out the syringe and sighed in relief. He quickly filled it with the Testorone and pulled up his jean leg, jolting at a sudden rush of electricity causing him to drop the syringe. "F-fuck! J-just work!" He mumbled his words merging together as he picked it back up again. Just as it entered his muscle the door opened. "D-Denki-... Wait-" There was a pause as the blonde looked up to Deku, his eyes still filled with tears as the green haired boy sat beside him. "Hey, no.. it's okay.." The taller boy hugged him before letting go, letting him inject himself with the drug before disposing of the syringe.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry.." Deku raised an eyebrow before shaking his head. "No, there's no reason to be sorry.." The blonde didn't respond, burying his face into his shoulder. Deku wrapped his arms around the smaller boy pulling him onto his lap. "Shh.. I gotcha.." Denki's body was shaking in his arms as he cried, but Deku continued to rub reassuringly circles on his back. They both sat in silence with the occasion sob or thunder and lightning strike.

Thunder and Lightning- Depressed!TransKaminariWhere stories live. Discover now