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23 years later


Well my name is Omoshalewa Adewale, Shalewa for short. And the only person who loves me in the whole world is my mum, who is now late making me alone and sad. Ever since my mom who was the only one taking care of me died, I have been living alone, I started staying on my own since I was age 17, all because my dad hated me and could not stand my presence around him and, my mom who was always watching out for me and keeping me away from him was gone.

Let me tell you a little about myself I am fat if I am to describe myself, but if left to people they will help me make it better, by saying I am curvy and that I have a figure 8 body and bla bla bla and so on and so forth, to cut the long story short am not so proud of my body, I mean why can't I be like sewa, incase u don't know her she is my cousin from my mom side who is hell bent on frustrating my life with every single opportunity she gets, all because she's a model and she has that hot skinny super model body, she always complains about my eating habits, for God's sake, when there are better foods on ground she expects me to go for veggies and fruits, more like eating "leaves", when am not a goat. Always insisting i hit the gym, abeg who that one help.

And the last person on my list is my worst nightmare, who happens to be my father it sounds wierd right, but what can I say my dad hates me with passion there's no day that passes that he doesn't make me feel useless and end up saying how much of a disappointment I am to him and how I was of no value to him, only because I was a girl and not a boy. According to him girls were a disappointment and failure, nothing i ever do always seems right with him, all my life have done nothing other than pleasing him, craving for him to just love and accept me hoping that one day he will show me the love and affection a child gets from their parents I even went as far as giving up my dreams for him.

Growing up I always dreamt of becoming a chef, but because of my dad, I gave that up to work in his company, I even gave up my feminism hoping to please him I know I sound pathetic but I went far as being a tomboy all my life to the extent that sometimes I forget how to act,dress and do things like a lady, hoping my dad will in a way see me as a guy and show me some love but all seems to be in vain. He doesn't care about me or even ask of my welfare or even at least chat and talk to me like the way a father should, the only time I get to talk to him was when I want to tell him report about the company or he wants to ask me about the company's related issues which always ends up badly cause no matter how hard I try to put my best in it he always look for ways to insult and reprimand me over the reports.

So practically me and my dad are just like total strangers.

So this is all about me and my sad, lonely and boring life. no friend, no boyfriend no social life or social media just "ME, MYSELF& I".

Brought back to life by the ringing of my cellphone I quickly grabbed it only to see the caller, please someone should pinch me right now cause I think am dreaming, out of all the people in this whole world why will sewa call me as in "SEWA" my one and only bitchy cousin.

Me: Hello,I replied picking the call, wondering what she was going to say.

Sewa: Hello fatty, how are you doing.
"More like something sewa would say, I see she hasn't changed a bit that her bitchy mockery tone and stupid name she calls me, I swear I wish I could strangle her right now.

Me: I am doing great and how are you doing too dear cousin.
"note the sarcasm in my words".

Sewa: oh am always great and fit unlike some people who look like an obesed pig.

Me:Oh I see so to what do I owe this call,
"I asked knowing sewa too well her calling me means something was definitely up, I just pray she isn't coming to visit or something".

Sewa: The thing is fatty I was posted to do some photo shoot in Lagos which will last for a couple of months so guess what? I decided that I will be staying over at your place for that period of time, I know you will be happy right, who wouldn't be. Not everyday someone gets to have a beauty queen like me stay over at there place and spend time with them, I would have made my coming a surprise but I just decided to tell you so you will prepare for my arrival, you know how I can be right, am allergic to things like dirt and noise so try as much as possible to take down all the dirt before I come and that reminds me, hope you've loosed some pounds cause I don't like a situation where I will see you and start to throw up and, again my room should be well spacious you know am a certified model and I really have lot and lot of stuff. Well, I think that should be all for now and don't forget you will be coming to pick me up at the airport tomorrow my flight will be due to land around 2:30 so don't be late cause I really can't stand your fatness talk more of putting up with your clumsiness,tardiness,and lateness. Okay that should be all, dear cousin bye.

Jeez what did I just hear sewa is coming, God why me? my life is already miserable thanks to my dad now sewa again, please someone should just kill me, beauty queen she said more like queen of arrogance. With that bitchy cousin of mine coming could my day get any worse😟😞😔.

Uhmmm!! Finally the D-Day is here, the day where I will have to welcome the trouble in human form into my life.

Standing up from my queen size bed I hurriedly entered into my bathroom to have my bath and dress for work because I couldn't afford to have my dad yelling at how incompetent and tardy I was. After scrubbing and doing the needful I quickly left the bathroom and went over to my bedroom to pick out the cloth I was going to wear which was my usual baggy shirt and pants and my sneakers, I know it doesn't really look feminine and professional but I am comfortable with It. Putting it on I looked at my self in the mirror, satisfied with what I was seeing I took my bag and went out to my car.
Going to work everyday was not something I enjoy doing because I don't really get along with my colleagues all because they see me as a freak and wierd person who doesn't associate with people, most of them are not even aware that my dad was the owner of the company. So let's just say everything am doing is in order to please my old man who doesn't seem to appreciate me.

Okay back to earth I really need to get to my office now before Mr perfect starts yelling.

Good morning maam,

Good morning Tracy, I replied back.

Good morning Miss shalewa, Gerald the assistant sales manager greeted,

Good morning to you too I replied back. One would think the reason why i was getting all those greetings or respect was because of my position in the company or because that they were very fond of me or so happy to see me.

Well that is really really far from the truth, cause this same people, not only them anyways, still go at my back to talk dirty and say all sorts of hateful things about me. At first I really thought they liked me or something but the day I mistakenly heard them talking about me, saying things like she doesn't even have a fashion sense, how will anyone be dressing like that, she's so dumb and clueless,no wonder her dad disowned her and treats her like a piece of trash, she's a loner and a freak no wonder she gat no friend not to talk of a boyfriend. When I heard those comments I felt I was gonna explode but fortunately for me I brought my self together and bottled up all my emotions. And since that day I confirmed the fact that nobody likes me in the whole world and that I was alone and all by myself.

Getting into my office I quickly settled down and started sorting the files out cause I really needed to finish up all the works on my table and go pick up Miss bitchy queen, oops my bad, sewa is really making me cuss right now, that girl has a way of getting on my nerves.


"Figure 8" ~~ hour glass figure / curvy shape.

"Abeg who that one help" ~~ please who does it help.

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