pads || ethan

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me and Ethan were cuddling when I felt my stomach start to hurt a lot

" Ethan I'm gonna come back , I'm going to the toilet " I told him

" okay " he replied kissing my head

I went into the toilet and when I took off my shorts and underwear I look down to see period stains on my underwear

I sighed and rolled my eyes

" Ethan " I shout

" yes love " he called out

" can you get me some pads please " I ask him kindly

" alright love " he told me before getting up to put on shoes and headed out to the store to get some pads

Ethans PoV

I walk into the shop and go to the toiletries section where I see some pads and tampons , y/n wanted some pads so I'm going to get two packets even if she doesn't need all of it for now she could use it for the next time she has her period

a worker was walking past me when she saw me buying pads

" guessing that's for your girlfriend " she said

" yeah , she needs them " I awkwardly chuckled embarrassed that she saw me but I'd do anything for y/n no matter if I embarrassed myself

On these particular days I make sure to take extra care of her because she can get tired or sick so I need to be there for her

" you're a keeper , make sure you don't loose her and that she doesn't loose you " she said with a kind smile

" thanks " I told her

I get it and go to the snacks area where I get her some chocolate and sweets because 1 she LOVES chocolate and sweets and 2 because I want to be a good boyfriend and get her these things when she didn't expect it

I go to the till to pay and do self service then collect the bag and walk back to our home

It wasn't far from here , the shop was a corner shop meaning it was very close to where we live

I open the door and walk up stairs then into our room to see y/n laying down in pain with her hand on her belly rubbing it

I give her an apologetic smile and kiss her forehead

I get out the pads leaving the chocolate and sweets in the bag to surprise her

" here you go babe " I said giving her the pads

" thank you love " she said taking it and going into the bathroom to put it on

I quickly get out the sweets and chocolate putting it on the bed in a pleasing format

I hear the toilet flush and the water run , seconds later she came out of the bathroom and entered our room to see the chocolates and sweets

" thank you bup " she said kissing my lips

I smile and give her a peck on the lips one more time before pulling away

" of course " I told her

She put the sweets and chocolate on the table and I pat the space beside me for her to lay down which she did

We both lay down as her back was against my chest

My hand guided down towards her stomach slowly giving her rubs to try and make the pain go away

She groans and I kissed her head

" try to go to sleep love " he told me

She hummed and whispered

" good night ethan " she told me

" good night love "

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