Class || ethan || part 2 || dirty

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I went to the next class that I had , Maths

I walk in and was met by the class and my new teacher

" hello , you must be y/n" the teacher says

I nod and he welcomes me to his class

" you can choose a seat and get comfortable. We'll make sure you're as comfortable as possible " he said giving me a friendly smile

" thank you " I said smiling back before facing the class to see where any empty seats were

Once I found an empty seat I walk over to it and sit down then go into my bag to get the resources in needed for the class

We had some things to copy down in our books so I get a book from my teacher and copy down the thing we were suppose to write

My head was down and focused on what I was doing until I hear the door open and look up to see ethan

He looked around the room and once we met eyes he did his famous smirk making me nervous

" late again dolan " the teacher said shaking his head

" sorry mr kade, it wont happen again " ethan told the teacher

" whatever , go find a seat " the teacher said not believing Ethan in a single word he said

Once again he looks around the room to find an empty seat

There weren't many people in this class meaning there were a lot of seats everywhere

His eyes landed on a empty seat next to me and walked over

Shit I thought to myself

He sat down and looked at me

I look back and start getting even more nervous, his stares could make anyone feel weak

Breathe in , breathe out I thought in my head

" fancy seeing you here " he said lifting up his eyebrow

" this is my class , of course I'm going to be here " I said rolling my eyes

" watch the tone princess or you'll regret it " he said staring right into my soul

" whatever " I told him

" really I mean it . I'll make sure you regret it love , don't test me . I'll take you here right now " he told me giving me an intimidating look yet again

My breathing felt like it stopped , like someone was trapping my lungs

I went quiet because it kind of affected me even though it was weird it did

I only met this kid minutes ago and he's effecting me

He's something else then if we only met not even a day ago and I'm already getting nervous and blushing around him

He saw that it got to me and smirked turning away to look at the front board

I quietly sighed wanting to get out of this class before I embarrass myself in front of him

I decided to distract myself by drawing in my book

I was in love with art , you could express your feelings through it

It was like an escape

While i was drawing I felt a hand on my thigh and noticed it was Ethans

I slightly gasp due to his cold hand meeting my skin

I look at him but his eyes were set on his book while a cheeky grin was set on his face

I run my hand through my hair to calm down a little

His hand started rubbing circles

"What are you doing " I whisper

" you know what I'm doing " he told me , his head lifting up for his eyes to meet mine

" well stop it , I don't like it " I told him

" oh really " he said smirking

"Yeah" I said

" why is it that my hand is still touching you if you don't like to ? You could've moved it but you didn't so you do like it love " he told me

It was true , I did like it but it was wrong although it felt nice

His hand started gliding up higher until he reached my area and I bit my lip while my hands fiddled with each other getting heated by what was happening under the table

His thumb was placed against me and started rubbing me making my mouth opened a bit , I was scared that I would make a noise out loud

Ethans hand laid on his cheek and his elbow was on the desk as he stared at me not caring who was watching us

On the other hand I did care who was watching , it would be embarrassing

I decided to move his hand away before anything could happen , I didn't want to get aroused in lesson when I'm suppose to be focusing and getting good grades

" we'll continue later love " he whispered in my ear

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