Chapter 4

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Yuki found herself in the front bench in math class yet again. She was getting really bored of right angles and sines and cosines. She observed the floor beneath her and discovered that a stray piece of chalk had rolled under her desk. She picked it up and broke it into two unequal pieces while Hiyama was busy solving a problem on the board. She threw one of the pieces at him and it hit his head sharply. Everyone giggled as Hiyama turned and scanned the classroom. Yuki seemed to be paying attention and taking notes for once in her life. He looked about again and then turned back, thinking he must have imagined it.

Yuki couldn't believe Hiyama had fallen for her act! Just because she was looking at her book and holding a pen in her hand, pretending to note down things, it didn't mean she was paying attention or actually doing any work! She smirked and threw the other piece of chalk at him. Again, it reached it's target. Hiyama turned around angrily. Yuki couldn't hold back anymore. She started giggling and as the entire class joined her she started to laugh. She laughed so hard she nearly fell out of her seat!

"Yuki! Did you throw that chalk?" Hiyama asked angrily.

"I gotcha Hiyoteru!" Yuki squealed. "I'm sick of this class! Stop teaching please!"

Hiyama, who had already had a terrible day with the boys of a senior class, as well as a lot of work, was seething. He did his best to hold back his anger. "Yuki, you are staying back today." His tone was dangerous. "I will personally deal with you because you refuse to behave."

Yuki heard the anger in his tone and fell silent, as did the rest of the class.

The bell signalling the end of the day rang just as Hiyama finished the sum he was working on. Everyone hurriedly copied it down and ran out of the classroom. Yuki was the only one who remained seated. Hiyama locked the door of the classroom and made his way over to Yuki.

"When on earth will you learn to behave?" He growled. Yuki flinched and turned away.

"I was just having a bit of fun, old man!" She said, refusing to meet his eyes. "PS, I love you."

Hiyama snapped. He yanked Yuki up by her arm and pushed her against the wall, pinning her to the cold surface by her wrist.

Yuki was too shocked to feel the pain on impact. She barely noticed the pain her arm was feeling when she was roughly grabbed by Hiyama.

She forced herself to hold back her tears as she saw the rage in Hiyama's eyes.

"Don't spout random nonsense!" He yelled in a strained voice.

"But it's the truth." Yuki said. "I've loved you from first sight. Not as a brother nor as a friend, but as a woman loves a man!"

Several expressions cut through the rage on Hiyama's face.

"Stop screwing with me!" He screamed in a nearly deranged voice. Yuki felt fear and her eyes started to water. Tears brimmed over and spilled down her red cheeks.

"If you really love me like that, then you shouldn't mind right? You shouldn't mind this!" Hiyama roared.

"Wh..what?" Yuki started. But she was cut off by Hiyama doing something very unexpected.

Yuki's eyes widened as Hiyama's lips connected with her own. Her cheeks turned scarlet as he pressed his lips against hers, hard. She felt so many emotions of his flowing into her- passion, anger, love, pain... Hiyama finally broke the kiss and pulled Yuki into his arms. He held her tenderly, enjoying the warmth of her elegant body.

"Hiyama you idiot!" Yuki blushed and said. "Everything I did was to get your attention! I failed my papers and annoyed you and was a nuisance in class simply to get you to notice me!"

"I'm sorry I was this harsh on you Yuki...did I hurt you?" Hiyama asked gently.

"'s fine..." Yuki said, her cheeks as red as the setting sun. "Just...don't ignore me anymore."

"I'm sorry for not giving you enough attention Yuki. I promise to pay more attention to you from now on! Don't worry..." Hiyama smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you too..."

To Get Your Attention....(Hiyama Kiyoteru x Kaai Yuki)Where stories live. Discover now