savior.............s? pt.2

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Ben:what should we do now
Masky: I have no idea
Jeff:we've lost it guys........
???: maybe I can help
Everybody turned to look at a familiar face
All of them: Slenderman
Slenderman:maybe I can teleport you there
Jeff:then do it quickly
And he teleported them
In the pizzeria
Every one there were in a shock
Jeff:let's find her
And they started calling out your name
Lolbit: well well well what do we got in here
Toby:who*tic* are you
Lolbit:the names Lolbit
Mangle: mangle
Ft.foxy: funtime foxy
Tangle: Tangle
Lolbit : looks like we have got our new prey
Ben: prey, and us never and.....
Jeff shouted
Lolbit:aww......the loving boy, looking for his beauty. Don't worry,your Luna ...or I may say our Aurora is right here,but  im afraid she might not recognize you
Saying they she pointed towards the corner. You were there, sitting on a chair, switched off
Ben:what have you done to her
Lolbit: nothing,just removed her old memory card and replaced it with a new one.
Saying so,she hold out a chip and crushed it
Lolbit:now she won't recognize any of you. The only things she remembers is us
Saying so, she switched you on . You opened your black eyes .
Lolbit:get them girls
You all rushed towards them
Jeff: RUN
Saying so they all started running.......
You had changed....... completely
To Be Continued.........

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