the savior.......s?

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Jeff's POV
We were spying on Luna . She was asleep. She looked so cute while sleeping. Then we saw something. Two robots. Pink and white. One of them had a bowtie and other one had a ribbon. I realized them as the ones from the picture.but before I could do anything they teleported. I was confused. It was 1:30 am . So we all went to our rooms to sleep.
The next night
You were outside , beside the lake when Mangle approached you.
Luna: what are you doing here?
Mangle:calm down
Luna:why are you here. What do you want
Mangle:we need you for only one night
Luna:fine but just because of friendship
Toby's POV
I had been spying on them. I was shocked that she agreed to a
Join. Then they teleported. I rushed back to the room where the other boys were sitting in
Toby:Gu*tic*Ys Luna's *tic* gone
Ben:what!why didn't you informed us
Toby:it happened so fas*tic*t
Jeff: No time for quarrels , we need to find her before anything happens
Meanwhile with Luna
You were teleported to the same old pizza place in your animatronic form. With memories flooding your mind, you walked through the pizza place. Soon it was 12 am, so you all went to kill the night guard. You all started singing another five night

(I can't decide what to do because it's midnight, so please decide yourself)
After singing it, you all sang left behind and killed the night guard

After killing, when you were about to go back Lolbit blocked your way
Lolbit:you're not going anywhere
Aurora (Luna):what
Lolbit:you're going to stay with us.
After saying that she switched you off.
Lolbit:you're now with us forever , Aurora..........
To Be Continued...........................

Animatronic love (Jeff the killer  x reader)Where stories live. Discover now