Charlie's Story

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1940 october 10th

Dear Annalise Joley Simthson, we're very sorry to bring to you your sisters death. We're sorry for her passing - US military

I was broken when my aunt told me my mother died, my aunt broke the news to me and then hugged me like it was the last time, because it was. She had told me I looked too much like her sister or my mother so she had kicked me out. I was forced to live with my aunt because my father abandoned me and my mother after she gave birth, my aunt always said kids were too much for him. I knew my mom until she left me at three years old, i have absolutely no memories with her except for the faint details my aunt left me with.

Now since I have no other family im being i was sent to foster care and a foster family picked me up a day after I got there, yeah they're nice and all but... they welcomed me in and they were nice but they treated me too nice like i was different! Yes im different but it made me feel uncomfortable. I hated it but I was thankful for a place to sleep and a roof over my head. They were super nice so I didn't do much about the situation. I secretly couldn't wait for a new foster family to pick me up, hopefully they treat me right or maybe this family will get used to me. A girl back from foster care is writing me and I'm so happy we met, her name is Angela, she reminds me a lot of my aunt. But she helps me with everything im going through and things I've been through.

Hey Charlie! How's the new family of yours? I'm so happy you got taken in already! I've been here for a few years and im yet to have family, write me back! ~love Angela

This is one of the letters she sent me when i first got settled with my foster family, I find it awkward eating meals with them, talking with them and even being near them. They're complete strangers to me. Especially the older brother in the family, his name is Wilbert. He's 16 and he loves reading, he's super creepy and weird so i keep my distance. The mom babies me like im a five year old who can't take care of herself and the father is completely oblivious because he's always at work! I don't mind him as much because i'm pretty much invisible to him and I prefer it that way.

They have a dog who's always in my room and his name is Rufus and I love him, he's my only friend in this house. I don't think the rest of the family likes when i take Rufus. I sing to him and I talk to him like he's a real kid. I talked to him about running away to go find my aunt Annalise. I think he likes my idea, maybe I should bring him if I go. Is that stealing? As the night nears I sneak to the kitchen and pack my bag with cheese crackers, blueberries, water, a book my baby blanket, diary, a lighter, a pair of clothes, first aid kit and a flashlight. I decided to bring Rufus with me so I fill a paper bag with dog food and a bowl. I pack more water deciding that i need it and on the way I pack a leash and collar for Rufus in case. I unlock the doors quietly and sneak out. My backpack is lightweight so I wouldn't have any issues carrying it. I start sprinting into the forest with Rufus following behind. He's having a great time! I build a little fort and fire out of twigs and lit it with the lighter, I'm so happy I decided to pack that! I warm up and then I lay on the ground under my twig fort with Rufus and cover up with my baby blanket.

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