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 3rd POV

They walked down the corridor silently. After they passed Jack's house Hiccup broke the silence. "Why?" Jack had tears in his eyes. "People care about you. Why would you do that?"


"You're so stupid!" Jack began to cry. Hiccup didn't even hear him. Hiccup began to walk faster. He looked to his side and didn't see Jack. He turned around to find Jack wiping his face with his sleeves. 

Once they arrived at Hiccup's house. Hiccup went up to his room. His parents were out of town, so it was just him and Jack. Jack sat on the couch and sat there silently and not doing anything.

Time skip

"You hungry?" Hiccup yelled. He didn't get an answer. He walked into the living room to find Jack asleep. He picked up the omega bridal style and carried him up too his room. He knew he was going to have to change his clothes. He took off Jack's jacket and shirt. 'Shit' he thought. He found bruises all over Jack's pale stomach and chest.

After Hiccup changed Jack's clothes he laid down next to the smaller boy. He wore a yellow hoodie and shorts. 

The next morning, Saturday

Hiccup was still going to bring  Jack to Astrid's party. He just wanted closure on why Jack did this to himself. He made breakfast for both of them and tea for Jack. He knew Jack loved tea. Jack woke up and realized immediately that Hiccup had changed his clothing. He went straight towards his Jacket to get out his glasses. His face was so flushed. He took out his contacts and put on his glasses. He put his contacts in a small case and placed them in his pants pocket. He tried to hide his flushed face when he walked down stairs to meet Hiccup shirtless. 

Hiccup gave him a plate of pancakes. They ate silently. "Jack, I'm sorry that I called you stupid yesterday."  

"It's fine." Jack faked another smile.

"No it's not. But why did you do that to yourself. And when did it start."

"I'm tired of being bullied. I'm tired of being called a freak. They told me to go die." Jack's voice broke at the last sentence.  

Hiccup's POV

I was shocked. I wanted to know who was doing that to him. 

Time. Skip

It was time for the party. Astrid has a lot of money. She sent a limo to pick us up. I wore a yellow shirt and blue jeans. Jack wore a white shirt , black jacket and black jeans.  

Jack's POV time skip

I walked into a room and I saw Astrid on Kaylus's lap. They were making out. I tried to walk away but I was kicked to the ground by Astrid. Kaylus got ontop of me. He started choking me. I tried to get away but I couldn't. 

Hiccup walked in hearing his girlfriend saying "I told you to die, but my baby's gonna do it for you." 

"Astrid! Kaylus!" Kaylus stopped choking me. "What the fuck?! You cheating bitch! We're over!" Kaylus backed away from me. I got up and walked past Hiccup. I slid down a wall a buried my head into my knees. I wanted to cry but, I couldn't. I felt something touch me.

3rd POV

Jack looked up to see Kaylus. Kaylus's eyes started glowing yellow. Black sand appeared around them both. Hiccup walked away from Astrid to Jack. He saw black sand around Jack and Kaylus. He tried to get to Jack but he couldn't in time. Hiccup called Jack's father and told him what happened. 

North went to get Hiccup. "You're going to have to come with me. We're going to North Pole." Hiccup nodded. He started to get worried. He started thinking about Jack as his baby boy. He loved him. 

North introduced Hiccup to the rest of the Gaurdians. "We must find Pitch. He has Jack." He was upset. He loved Jack to death. He didn't want to lose his only child to the darkness or anything. 

Bunnymund and North argued for a long time on if it was better to take the tunnels or not. "Didn't you say his lair was underground, and you have snow globes that teleport you."they both looked at Hiccup. "So use both tunnels and the snow globes." They went with Hiccup's idea.

With Pitch

Pitch wanted to take the young boy so that North couldn't get him back. Kaylus had to get him pregnant. Jack wanted to drop dead out of fear. Every time one of the got closer to him he would scoot away. He couldn't go far because he had chains around him. 

The Gaurdians arrived at Pitch's lair. Pitch had taken Jack out of the chains and weakened him. He put his hand on the boys head as the Gaurdians approached. They knew he wouldn't kill Jack but he would kill Jack's soul. 

Pitch turned Jack's hair black. "He hates himself. Didn't you know? You're his father for God's sake." An expression of sadness  spread upon North's face. Pitch began to to turn Jack's hair black. Hiccup attacked Kaylus and knocked him out. Pitch tried to attack Hiccup but he missed.

End of chapter 3

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