You need yourself.🤗🌹

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"Life's too short to be insecure, love yourself before you love a boy. "

Dear Females.....

If you have ever been heartbroken by a guy or if a guy has hurt you badly... don't waste your time crying over him.
You deserve much better.
It will hurt and it's okay to cry but you have to go on with your life.
9 times out of 10 chances are that guy isn't even thinking about you and he probably doesn't even care about your existence.
You don't need a boy or a relationship  to make you happy. Or even to determine your worth.
You have to be happy with yourself.
Find happiness within yourself.
And use that kind of energy to better yourself.

Most of the time girls would still be hurting over a guy who would be long gone living his life,on to the next female.
It's hurtful (YES!) But that's the key to getting over whatever pain you have.
Remember how much of a jerk he may have been and then realize that it was his loss not yours.

You have to let things go and go on with your life. Guys come and they go. Pain and heartbreaks are temporary it just feels like it is forever or like it is the end of the world, but it is not.

It only feels that way because we allow those feelings to take over us. We give them power over us.
But it's not a good thing.
Pain is a barrier that is in our way, holding us back and is stopping us from moving on.
Truthfully Females we don't need a boy to be happy.
We don't need a boy to love us.
We don't need a boy to define who we are.
We don't need a boy to accept us.

We need to do all of that for ourselves by ourselves. So that we can truly love and accept ourselves.
But as time reveals itself and you end up finding the right guy for you then you both can enjoy each other.
Simply because you love yourself and if that guy loves you and himself then  you can both love eachother.

Just don't make a boy your priority.
Self love should be our number one priority first.
So we won't be able to quickly lose ourselves or tolerate things that we do not deserve.

You need yourself more than you need a boy. 🌹❤
Take time for yourself.
Get to know who you are.
Don't rush into relationships.
Love and take care of yourself first.
Because that's what is most important.

Know your self.
Know your worth.
Know your value.
And don't you settle for any guy that isn't aware of how awesome you are.🌹❤

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