3 - Crazy Signs

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"M-ming.. What is h-his name?"

Kit broke the silence inside the car. It's been 20 minutes and no one has said anything. Aside from Kit's occasional humming, only raindrops can be heard tapping the roof of the car.


Kit blushed. He named his son after us.

He didn't say anything else and just continued to hum rocking baby Ming to sleep.

After a while they entered an exclusive village unfamiliar to Kit. The rain continues to pour a little heavily than before.

It wasn't the grand design of the house nor the obvious expensive feel that shocked Kit, it was a big painting almost the size of a wall, placed in the middle of the living room, a painting of his face and Ming smiling.

On the table and on top of the piano, several picture frames containing his photos can be seen. Some in solo and others with Ming.

Kit felt like everything was spinning. He put baby Mingkit on the couch so he could sit down. He was overwhelmed and this was too much.

Ming was walking around, taking his shoes off casually as if this was a usual thing.

What would his wife think of this? His family? Kit was starting to spiral down into anxious thoughts of what could be happening.

He wanted to burst and shout but with the sleeping baby on his lap, he tried his best to contain his emotions. Confused, anxious, guilt, anger and a little bit of hope all rolled into one is the best way to describe how Kit is feeling.

"P'Kit.. Can you carry him to his bedroom? It's the first door on the second floor. I'll just check if everything is locked." Ming asked so gently that Kit felt like he was being serenaded.

He didn't look at Ming and just carried the baby boy into his destination. He entered the room and even more photos of him are displayed all over. Some photos were recently taken for he remembers the location on the background.

What was Ming up to? Was all Kit could think of.

Minutes later, he caught himself changing baby Mingkit's clothes and putting baby powder on his back.

What was he doing? Here. Right now. He should be home and sleeping. Not in the house of the guy who ghosted him 3 years ago. This is insane. He was insane.

Kit headed downstairs and out into the front door.

"P'Kit.. Where are you going?" A voice behind him asked.

He didn't bother turning around. Ming would have him under his spell and he will be doing crazy stuff again.

"I'm going home." Kit replied harshly.

"You can't. It's raining too hard now. I'll drive you home first thing in the morning." Ming suggested.

"I'll book a taxi." Kit took out his phone and to his disappointment no driver was around the area, perhaps too far from the main highway.

He can't see anything now. The rain and the fog was accompanied by strong winds making Kit even more hopeless.

"P'Kit.. Come inside the house."

Kit shut his eyes and tighten his fist.

"No." Kit firmly denied.

"I can't be here. God, I shouldn't even be here. I shouldn't be around you. I'm going home and I'll walk if I have to." He proceeded to walk towards the gate only to be stopped by arms embracing him, holding him back.

Against the rain, he felt his bare chest on his back, only a thin layer of his shirt separating their skin. Ming's body was boiling hot almost burning Kit away.

Kit tried to wiggle his way out but Ming was inhumanly strong.

"Kit, I am not asking you again. Come inside the house or else." Kit heard anger and frustration in Ming's voice.

He melted within Ming's arms. His knees buckled. Why was he doing this?

Tears accumulated for years now yearned to burst. Kit started sobbing which eventually went into hyperventilating.

All those times of being alone with only questions in his head almost drove him insane has now taken it's toll.

Kit managed to leave Ming's grasp. He slapped him creating a sound louder than the thunder that can be heard from a distance.

Ming touched the sting on his left cheek. He looked at Kit, his eyes were red and tears continues to flow from it, they were both soaked from the rain now.

'Fuck. I broke him.' Echoed in Ming's mind and the sight of Kit crying is killing him.

"Don't touch me! You have no right to touch me, talk to me or even look at me!! You are a jerk! An asshole! You left me without saying anything!"

Kit shouted at Ming at the top of his lungs. Tears cascading on his cheeks along with the rain on his face.

Ming took great strides and hugged him. Kit tried to resist and started striking Ming's naked chest, wailing. Ming endured what Kit was doing and kissed his forehead.

Everything was spinning and getting darker and darker for Kit.

"Sshh.. I will never let you go again Kit."

Kit heard before everything turned black.

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