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Just an idea of Alex's outfit ^. Just imagine it old and faded.


'It's been ninety-seven years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors. Twelve nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs. There is now only The Ark, one station forged from the many. We're told the earth needs another 100 years to become survivable again. Four more space-locked generations, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that's the dream.'

'This is reality, reality sucks.'

- Princess



The word echoed through the 17-year-old's mind as Alex stared at the cold, metallic ceiling of her cell, trapped in the numbing routine that had defined her life for the past two years in the Skybox.

Wake up. Train. Eat. Nap. Read. Train. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Day in and day out, without change, without meaning. All thanks to Marcus Kane—the man who called himself her father.

Most people didn't know the real reason she was locked away. Kane made sure of that. He had to protect his precious reputation. Only a handful knew what had led to her arrest, and they all assumed she had snapped—gone mad overnight and murdered her fellow guards in cold blood.

Alex didn't blame them for thinking that.

Sometimes, she thought she had gone a little crazy too.

Only one person knew the truth about why she killed those guards, and Alex intended to keep it that way.

Let them think she was a monster. She didn't care.

She accepted her fate the moment she slit the first guard's throat, felt the twisted sense of justice when she drove her knife into the last one's chest. She knew what awaited her, and a part of her believed it was fitting. Deserved.

What she couldn't accept, what kept the fire of anger burning deep in her chest, was him. Her father.

Marcus Kane.

He hadn't even given her a chance to explain. He hadn't cared why she did what she did. To him, she was a stain, something to be hidden away.

Alexandra Kane hated her father, but not for locking her up, but for what he did years before—for the day he killed her mother.

Katherine Kane had been floated when Alex was eleven. And to this day, she had no idea why. Her father had offered her nothing but empty words. "She broke the rules," he had said. That was all.

Even at eleven, Alex knew the Ark's laws inside and out. She knew what it meant to break them. But her mother? Her mother was everything good in her world, the person she had tried so hard to make proud, just like her father.

Back then, Alex had been the perfect daughter, always following the rules, always seeking his approval.

That all changed the day Katherine was executed.

From that moment, Alexandra Kane knew one thing for certain: the laws of the Ark were complete and utter bullshit.


The sound of the door crashing open snapped Alex from her thoughts, and she instinctively tensed on her cot as three guards entered her cell, their faces hard but betraying a hint of nervousness.

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